Dare #5

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BB: *sleeping in kids cove*
Mangle: BB! BB wake up!
BB: Huh? What?
Mangle: We got a dare for you!
BB: *gets up excitedly* OH MY GOD, IT MUST BE MY BIRTHDAY!
Mangle: It's from FunkiestFanficPanda! She said: "I dare BB to sing a song to Ben to make him like him."
BB: *backs away nervously* I- I don't know...
Mangle: Aww come on, it won't be that bad! You just gotta try!
Fred: And I can be your pianist!
BB: *thinks for a little while* Ok, I got an idea!
Me: *sitting in the office playing angry birds when suddenly, BB taps on my shoulder as I pay attention to him*
Fred: *starts playing you got a friend and me from toy story*
BB: You got a f-

*BB then gets punch in the face and he hose flying through the hallway*
Me: Yah, sorry FFP, not happening.
Fred: Oh come on that was mean!
Me: Don't forget to leave a comment with a dare or question!

Ben out!

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