Dare #8

139 9 2

Me: Sorry I took so long Millers, my phone was dead and I couldn't find a charger.
Foxy: So what do we got this time, lad?
Me: yadazzz said: "I dare foxy to get drunk and flirt with Chica"
Foxy:*gets out bottle of rum* let's do this!


Chica: *doing laundry or something*
Foxy: Ahoy me *hic* beauty...
Chica: Uhhh, hi Foxy?
Foxy: Hey baby are you a *hic* angle? Because I'm allergic to *hic* feathers. *throws up and passes out*
Chica: Foxy! You said you wouldn't drink!
Foxy: Do what you *hic* want cause a pirate is free! You are a *hic* pirate!
Me: Thanks for reading! Leave a comment with a question or dare and maybe leave a vote.

Ben out!

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