A Horse of Course

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Willow had not been playing on running into Sly. She had actually really wanted to avoid him. Not because she was mad at him or anything, but because he always got hurt when he was around her. 

"I said move it witch girl!" Yura snarled, as Willow carefully placed herself between her and Sly. 

"I'm... I'm sorry... but I can't..." Willow closed her eyes as she braced for Yura's whip like tongue to scorch her with some form of insult. 

"Yura, I'll give you a lock of my hair later, I'm late for lunch..." Sly's smooth, appeasing smile slipped from behind Willow, as he set his hand on Willow's shoulder and pulled her back against his chest.

"I'm sorry Sly..." Yura purred. "It's just I didn't think you'd normally hang around such rabble." Sly's hand tensed has Yura stepped closer to Willow. "I mean really, your practically a prince, so I assume your helping this peasant because you feel bad that she's stuck looking like this..." 

Yura reached down and grabbed a lock of Willow's hair from where it ended at her hips. "Look at this ratty mess..." 

"I actually think long hair is very attracting." Sly said, his voice losing some of it's gentleness, as he started to step backwards with Willow. "Well thanks for your concern Yura, but I really need to get to lunch, and I think Willow wants to come with me so... see you later." 

Willow saw what happened next in slow motion; As sly turned to begin walking away from her, Yura bolted past Willow, with out-stretched arms. Sly had half turned to shove her away, but it was too late. The moment Yura's arms wrap around Sly, he disappeared into a large cloud of smoke. 

It took several second for the startled Yura to even start to figure out what had happened, though she let out a terrified scream when she looked down at her hands. Looking back up at her was a rather upset looking, albino snake. 

Yura instantly dropped the snake and began to shake her hands like she had gotten something nasty on them, "Ew! It's all slimy!"

"Snakes are not slimy! They're are scaly!" The snake yelled indignantly, as Willow carefully walked over and picked it up. 

"It talked!" Yura cried as she stared at the snake in Willow's hands. 

"Yeah, he tends to do that..." Willow said softly as she helped Sly the snake, wrap around her neck. 

"W-What d-did you do!?"

"I actually didn't do anything... this just kinda happens. I promise I'll explain everything later after he changes back..." 

"C-Changes b-back!?"

"Well you se-"

"Willow! My clothes please!" The snake hissed in Willow's ear, his cold tongue tickling her ear.

"O-Oh yeah... sorry..." *Willow carefully bent over and scooped up the pile of clothes on the ground. Yura watched looking like she was about to pass out, as Willow quietly turned and walked down the hall towards the nearest empty class room. 

As the girl ran the serpent slowly lower himself into her shirt searching for warmth.

"Sly!" Willow squeaked as she came to a stop, looking down at him mortified.

"Sorry Willlow~" The snake hisses guiltily. "But your so warm..." With that the snake seemed to find a comfortable spot and closed his eyes.

"W-What happens if you change back..." Willow worried a loud, as she turned another corner towards a classroom she hoped was empty.

"Look out!" Willow spun around as a 3rd year came bolting down the corridor and slammed into her. With a cry of shock, and a loud popping noise, Willow soon found herself staring down at an unconscious 3rd year.

"Stupid horse!" Sly spat, anger flickering in his deep black eyes."Now we're both animals." 

"I'm...I'm sorry... I can still get us there..." 

S-Stupid... I... I am stupid... I should've moved out of the way... Willow thought miserably as she bent down and carefully picked the snake up in her horse mouth. 

He tastes like sand...

"Oh Willow!" Sly hisses with glee as she arranged her mouth to make transport more comfortable for him. "Right there! Yes!" She shivered as he coiled and stretched, clearly enjoy this much more then she was.


Sorry for the short chapter I promise I'll write a lot over the weekend! 

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