Enter the Dog

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If Annie had know Sly was going to be there she would've gone with Will and pounded Sly's smug face into a bloody pulp. Even if Sly hadn't been there she still should've gone with Will for her first day back to school. But no, she had decided to stay home over what? A cough. A cough had kept her from protecting Will from a ridiculous amount of emotional trauma.

"And then I jumped out the window!" Willow wailed as she stirred the pot of delicious smelling beef stew. Prior to Willow's sudden appearance at the house Annie had been reduced to eating take out, and microwavable meals. It was pretty safe to say that she greatly preferred Willows home cooking to her usual diet. Not that she didn't enjoy having Will around. In fact that was the main reason she had opened her house up to her. She had forgotten how much she missed her gentle, homely friend. 

The one thing she did not miss however was the large annoying fact that Sly was coming back into her life. Will and Annie had been practically raised together, they shared everything from food to clothes to their beds. Then suddenly out of no where came this snarky, rude, disgusting boy named Sly. Will had fallen for him on the spot. In that moment Annie had made it her life's goal never to let Sly have his way with her best friend. He would have to kill her before she let him hurt Will. 

Annie and Sly naturally hated each other, the only reason they were ever near one another was because they both wanted to be near Willow, and she wanted to be near both of them. But when Will had started working for the Zodiac god a few years ago, Annie no longer had a reason to be with Sly, and so she had blissfully avoided him. It had been heaven, well... not really since Willow wasn't there, and Annie wasn't able to see her more than once or twice a year. 

But now Sly was back. Slithering into her life like the pathetic coward he was. Not only had be been careless enough to get transformed in the middle of a school, but he had ended up getting Will transformed as well. Thanks to Will's quick thinking she had found any empty room for them to change back in. Now normally they would've just waited to turn back into their human forms and continue with their day right? But no! Will had changed back first, and had started getting dressed, when Sly had made some disgusting, flirtation advance on her! Will had rightfully freaked out, and jumped out of the first floor window, and ran all the way back to Annie's little house. Where she had replayed the entire endeavor to Annie, almost breaking down into tears. 

"I'm going to cut out his tongue and stuff it up his-" Annie growled as Will set a bowl down in front of her.

"No! You are not going to get all angry and stuff, you need to rest and reserve yoru strength. Besides I just over reacted..." Will flashed her an encouraging smile, as she sat across from her with her own dinner.

"Oh, I'm already angry don't worry about it, but I'm already feeling better." Annie mumbled as she started inhaling her food, casually shaking her head to keep her loose blonde hair out of her face. 

"If you insist." Will conceded as she took a few sips of her stew. Annie frowned, Will hadn't been eating much recently and she knew that couldn't be healthy for her. When she had shown up at her door, Will had been skinny enough, now she was just starting to put weight on again. She would have to get Will to eat more. 

The rest of dinner passed in a flash, Annie grabbed her bowl and carried it to the sink a moment after Will had turned on the water and had begun cleaning up. Having enough of the silence, Annie pulled out her phone and turned on one of her favorite playlists, To Hell With It. She really did love that playlist. 

  One time for the land down under
Two times for Mr. Worldwide
Three times for the gorgeous Jessica  

Her speaker blared, as Will looked up raising her eyebrow curiously. Dramatically, Annie slid across the kitchen floor and grabbed the pot Will had just finished washing and started to dry it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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