Daichi's misery

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dadchi : I have decided to cancel the trip

littlegiant : WHAT? WHY?

yoursuga : Daichi why the sudden change of heart? Also why are you up so early Hinata?

littlegiant : Kags and I are practicing early

yoursuga : ohhh okay so back to the trip thing. Why are you canceling it?

memequeen : man I was looking forward to all the embarrassing moments

Saltishima : so I bought a new folder for blackmail for nothing.

Best-senpai : I-

dadchi : sorry I can't do this. Once every week is enough but I have to see them three times this week????

memeking : dude what are you talking about?

partydude : The chaotic captain trio

Ushiwaka : To plan this event better than last time Karasuno's coach arranged three meetings this week for the captains. We usually meet up once per week

freckles : what's the chaotic captain trio?

shinkita : Oikawa, Kuroo and Bokuto

yoursuga : May asahi bless you babe❤

dadchi : that doesn't make it better suga

thegreatking : how rude we were just vibing

hey.hey.hey : yeah daichi stop trying to ruin our fun


roosterhair : you're just jealous because we didn't include you

thegreatking : it's okay not everyone can be great

dadchi : if you three don't go to sleep I will murder you

thegreatking : now I definitely won't go to sleep

roosterhair : Me neither.

hey.hey.hey : THEN I WON'T EITHER

baraarms : why the fuck am I getting so many notifications at 3am.

dadchi : ask your boyfriend

baraarms : Oikawa Tooru you better explain yourself

thegreatking : okay look I was about to go to sleep and then Bokuto started to spam me about Jujutsu no Kaisen and kept saying Sukuna is hotter than Gojo. I couldn't just let it stay that way so we started argue after a while we saw kuroo online and asked for his opinion. YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HE SAID

baraarms : just get to the point

thegreatking : we were all awake and bored so we spamed the captain chat with kardashian spoof

baraarms : I'm coming over

thegreatking : noooo I don't want to sleep yet

baraarms : too bad. Open the door.

roosterhair : imagine being bossed around by your lover

hey.hey.hey : can't relate

notaggashi : I'm counting to three Bokuto-san.

hey.hey.hey : man I'm suddenly so tired goodnight guys

roosterhair : this makes me the alpha male now

director.enno : that's sad you are just left because you are single

roosterhair : .....why do you have to hurt me like this

director.enno : dunno man you chose to spam at 3 fucking am.

roosterhair : I will go to sleep I'm sad now :(

shinkita : Daichi don't worry I will help out keeping those three in check

dadchi : thank god maybe then I can handle it

sakusa.kiyoomi : why the hell are you all still awake go to sleep. If I see one more message after this I will push someone off a cliff on the trip.

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