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Waking up in the ICU was not on Kaisey Kreese's to do list. It was 8:00 am on a Saturday. She shouldn't be lying in a hospital bed struggling to wiggle her toes. She should be outdoors in the sun doing what she loved. On a typical day like today she would be twirling around doing ballet in her back yard as her mom made breakfast. She'd never been one to sleep in and lay around. Not when she could be dancing, crafting routines in her head, writing moves down in her notebook or in the notes app on her phone. But obviously today wouldn't be like one of those days. Because her grandfather whom she hadn't seen for years just walked through her room door, her house was miles away and she had no idea where her mom even was or if she was okay.

"Hey kiddo, glad your finally up. You've been out for a few days. Gave me quite the scare." Kreese walked into her hospital room. He was older than Kailey remembered, had more wrinkles and gray hair. But his hands were still all rough looking even when holding something soft like the coffee cup he was clutching. "Been a while."

"Yeah, Grandpa, I remember you." Kaisey blinked mind feeling fuzzy, but she knew one thing. She wanted her mom.

"... Where's mom?" Kaisey asked tears gathering in her eyes as the old man sighed. Just from the look on his face she could tell the news wasn't good. Wiping his right hand on his jeans sitting down in the chair beside her bed. The news that he seemed to know weighed heavily on him and Kaisey couldn't help the barrage of questions that flew from her mouth at the silence he took. Maybe trying to find the words. "Where is she? Why isn't she here? She's hurt too isn't she? How bad is it? Is she going to be alright?"

"Slow down. Slow down. You'll get your answers." He held up a hand. Kaisey quieted. "I'm gonna give it you straight. No sugar coating shit. Your mom's dead. Brain bleed, gone before she hit the ER."

Kaisey covered her mouth tears springing to her eyes. She wanted to pull her legs up to her chest but the best she could manage was the slightest twitch of movement. 

"I lost my mother too when I was your age. It's a hurt that never really leaves. Your great grandmother wasn't quite right up here." Kreese tapped at his skull. "She got real sick, a sick that wasn't understood at the time, but unlike me, you've got a grandpa who's gonna look after you. You aren't alone. You aren't gonna end up in the streets neither. Things are gonna be different for you, kiddo, might seem scary now, but trust me everything is gonna be okay."

Here's the prologue! Tell me what you think in the comments and I'll be happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

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