Ch 1: Another day, Another crash

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Kaisey swung her legs out of bed. She wiggled her toes which moved, though no where near how she wanted them to, it was just a twitch but a twitch was something at least. It was progress. She'd be back on her feet in no time. She scooted her butt to the edge of the bed, she grabbed onto her wheelchairs arm and rolled it closer to herself. Using her arms she got herself situated in the chair okay having rolled off the bed and planted her butt right in it. After getting herself comfortable with her legs in the stirrups she wheeled herself out into the hall.
She made it out her doorway rolling away from her room desperately needing a change in scenery before she drove herself crazy.

She made it down the hall and then out of nowhere she was thrown from her chair as another kid wheeled into the intersection at what Kaisey could have sworn was light speed. Her body flung to meet the smooth tile, though luckily her head hadn't hit, her arms taking most of the damage. It hurt but luckily she didn't break or sprain anything.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." The boy wheeled closer to her skidding to a stop. It was a miracle he hadn't fallen out of his chair himself from the collision, but he'd had a tight grip on his chair. He reached out to try and right her wheel chair. Pull it up right, maybe so she could somehow climb back into it or so he could help her get into it again, but he only ended up falling out of his own chair which promptly rolled away crashing down the open stairs. The boy looking back at it with a wince.

"My hero, now we're both stuck on the floor." Kaisey sighed. "Couldn't you have rolled to the nurses station to get help?"

"That would've been smarter." The boy winced rubbing his head. "Sorry, Uh I'm Miguel."

"Kaisey. Why were you even speeding like that anyways?" Kaisey asked, head tilted in his direction. "Don't you know intersections are generally pedestrian crossings? Ergo you're supposed to slow down or stop completely. I hope you don't have a license because I don't think I want to see you behind the wheel of a car if this is how you handle a wheel chair. This makes the second accident I've been in."

"Oh Uh, it's stupid-"

"I don't doubt that." Kaisey muttered, frowning as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair. She wasn't used to it being short, she didn't like it being short but they'd had to cut it to get her out of the wreck. It would take her months to grow it out again. Miguel laughed with a light incline of his head continuing on like he hadn't heard her comment.

"One of my friends told me that hospital hallways are like race car tracks for wheel chairs. Whenever him and one of his buddies got roughed up enough to get sent here they'd have races under the dead of night. Less nurses to catch you and scold you. It was actually pretty fun til we collided."

"Well, your fun was dangerous." Kaisey studied her wheel chair frowning at the bent left wheel. It wasn't going to be upright or wheeling anything.

"Isn't that the best kind?" Miguel grinned with a crooked smile.

"We could've broken bones and I can't afford another injury. It's bad enough it takes all my energy just to wiggle my toes." Kaisey replied.

"Wiggling's good. I can't even wiggle, it's why I have to get another surgery. Not that my mom even has money for it, but all my friends are fundraising so hopefully that'll help." Miguel stuck out his fist thumb stretched upwards. "Wanna pass the time til someone stumbles across us?"

"I'm not waiting for anyone." Kaisey shoved her wheel chair out of the way and started crawling. Using her arms to move herself forwards her legs immobile behind her. "If we wait we could be lying here for hours."

"Okay then where we going? Nurses station?" Miguel crawled next to her also using his arms to drag himself.

"Phones too high there, we wouldn't be able to reach it, but I should be able to hit my call button on my bed."

"So you mentioned something about an accident. Is that how you got in here?"

"Yup, and I don't want to talk about it." Kaisey replied the pain of losing her mother still too fresh. "Still hurts."

"Okay, then what do you want to talk about?" Miguel asked, "I'm guessing your rooms kind of far, might be nice to get to know each other. We could take a break when our arms get tired and-"

"Breaks are for losers, and tired is for quitters." Kaisey cut him off. "If your not willing to give your best even when things get tough then your never going to accomplish your goals."

"You do know we're just dragging ourselves across a floor? Right?" Miguel asked.

"Doesn't matter, have to set the bar somewhere. The higher the better."

That was chapter 2!! Next chapter coming soon! Don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments! I'd love some feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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