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Heine Wittgenstein P.O.V

I finally arrived to the palace there were two guards at the entrance gate. When I was going to enter I was stopped by a guard at the front gate he asked me who I was.I told him I was summoned by the king and my name is Hein- before I could say anything the guard said oh you are the professor heine I son right go and come with your father he said patting my head. I lost my cool and said to them despite how short I look I am a fully grown adult. Suddenly the queen came to the front gate to greet me.I bowed my head to greet her then she asked me can we keep our formalities aside for now.I nodded the guards realized that I was a tutor and apologized and she took me to the palace she told me I will be the best royal tutor for the prices and took me to the room and she left. when I entered the room the wind blew from the window as I bowed my head and told them I was pleased to meet them and when I looked up I cannot belive my eyes I said to myself how the 4 prince were charmingly hand some then prince Leo  came in front of me and told he was pleased to meet me and then suddenly he told that do you really think that I would say that he gave a smirk and told that he hate royal tutors he was cut  of by prince Litch who was charmingly handsome he suddenly lifted me with my hands and spinned me in circles he laughed and said to his three brothers that I was very small and cute. Then prince Bruno who was known as an intelligent prince came forward he asked me if he can ask me a question. I said yes you can go ahead and ask then he said he did a research on me and did not find my name in any of the universities and asked which university I attended .I said that I did not attend to any university he was shocked and said that he did not want to waste his time on a tutor who did not go to any university and left the room.The last prince Kai came forward and just glared at me they were rumors when he attended to the military school he picked a fight where he fought so furiously that he was suspended from the school.

He said something which I cannot hear properly it sounded like
"Ge- lost "I thought that he said get lost directly.

Hey guys hope you like it this is the part one and still continues so stay tuned this is my first book so if there are any mistakes please forgive me.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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