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"There was once a clan that lived in a fantasy,
Secrets untold and unsolved mysteries,
Dragons and magic
with powerful victories".

"This was the Dorogan Clan".

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   Legend says there was a hidden clan in the Tengoku Mountains, never to be seen or heard from outsiders

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   Legend says there was a hidden clan in the Tengoku Mountains, never to be seen or heard from outsiders. They had to hide from those who seeked the clans sacred power passed down through generations, so they split the clan half and half to decrease chances of being found. One group went to the North Oceans beaches and the other traveled to the West Oceans green forests and caves.

All communication was cut off from each side to make sure no one would find out where they had gone, then their years of peace were lived fruitfully.

But then their peaceful years were shattered.

The Akatsuki were on the move to take the Clan.

In panic, they sent members to inform the other half of the impending doom their clan was to become of. Most of them fell to bandits and members of the Akatsuki but eventually the message got through. The Elders decided that they would come together and move back to their original land to fend off the Akatsuki, and they would be waiting for it.

Indeed the clan was strong... but their strength couldn't fight against the leader of the Akatsuki known as Pain.

The mountains moved and their homes caved in, families were slaughtered and heaven was raging with thunder and lighting. The Dorogan clan was falling to the cloaked foes, and the Ancient gods were boiling.

The Dorogan leader,  Akarui Dorogan, did the only thing he could to save his family.

The thing that would change history.

While the war raged on he disappeared into the deep sacred caverns inside the mountains, there he would pray to the Clans Ancient Dragons to save his children and take his life for theirs. The Ancient beings were stubborn to the prayer but a friend was there to sway their minds.

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, The Moon God.

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto owed the Dorogan Clan a favor from the deep past, in return he would give both his eyes to each of Akaruis children. The Moons Eye, Tsukigan. Now this excited the Ancient creatures, so to save the future of the clan they chose to be sealed inside of his children.

Twins. A boy, and a girl. Both of them currently unconscious and the age of 9.

Bailong: The White Dragon, chose the girl.

Heilong: The Black Dragon, chose the boy.

This created a Yin Yang power to evolve but, surely the power was far too much to handle at such a young age. They knew of this and quickly the mother who escaped from battle swooped her children in her arms and cried tears of sorrow watching her husband slowly die for their kids.

Her name is Mio Uzumaki.

To save them from future pains she sealed their power  with her life  as well.

But what they didn't know was that the girl, Shiroi, witnessed everthing.

Imagine watching your parents die in front of you, for you, for the clan. Only at a young age while a massacre is happening outside of the sacred cavern, innocents are being murdered. Screaming, wailing, the cries for help, the clap of thunder, the clashing of blades and skin being sliced open. It was all too much to be awake for, the trauma was more bearable than the pain she was currently feeling from over power.

Slowly the twins fell from their mothers arms and shook violently like an aftershock, thin dragon tattoos snaked up the girls spine and her brother the right of his arm.

Pure agony.

And this didn't go unheard from Pain.

He was not furious, rather quite amused that the gods would choose to be stuck inside a mortals body. All he needed to do now was to extract them from the twins, everything else was ...taken care of.

Shiroi tried to scream, to cry, anything but, all she could do was stare in horror at Pain.




His hand slowly reached for her throat and all she could think was...

"i'm going to die".

Then suddenly Pain was gone.

Everything was gone, the cold cave, the screams, the dead corpses of her parents gone. Now she and her brother lie on wet grass in the middle of a forest with the rain pouring from the sky, and it almost looked  like the moon grew many sizes bigger and brighter...

Searing pain exploded behind Shirois eyes, a blood curdling scream ripped through her throat as she flung her hands to press against them. Bright red liquid poured from the sockets and her eyes were no longer the normal pastel blue everyone praised her for, now... the Tsukigan and Sharingan were formed.

It seemed the seal had cracked.

Hiccupping from the sobs she tore the bottom of her black dress and wrapped the cloth around her eyes, strangely enough she could still ... see. This only made her more paranoid but that was not on her mind at this moment, she needed to make sure her little brother was okay.

Her entire frail body felt paralyzed but she crawled next to her brother and shook him by the shoulder, he too had the same Tsukigan but on his right eye. Though it only showed for a brief moment before disappearing behind his closed eyes.

"K-Kuro..KURO" she cried.

He did not wake, but he was breathing just fine.

She  was confused and lost on what to do, alone in the forest with ice cold rain pouring on them.  Surely in this weather they would get Hypothermia, so she needed to act quickly.

Shiroi dragged her brother up to a nearby tree that had little shelter from the rain then cuddled up to him to create some sort of body warmth.

All she could do was cry for help, and she would do it for as long as it takes.

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This is the story of the Dragon Twins, Shiroi and Kuro Dorogan.

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