Chapter Nine

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I never knew exactly how their conversation went, but Harry's mum said she needed time to think about it. She really needed time to think about whether or not she loved her child? Some people just should not be parents.

"Woah, Styles, who'd you get those love bites from?" Zayn and a few other boys were standing around near Harry's locker. I couldn't help but smirk knowing that I gave him them.

"Probably doesn't even remember. Shagging too many girls at once." Liam said and the other boys all laughed. Harry didn't.

"Hey, I do remember! Don't go bothering me about who I'm with." He snapped at them rather harshly and Zayn dropped his mouth open slightly in surprise. "Well, don't get so upset. Who was it?"

I didn't mean to stare, but I was curious to know what he was going to say.

"She was hot." Harry grinned and the boys wolf whistled and shoved him a bit.

"Was she good?" God, Zayn disgusted me. However, I found it quite funny that Harry was telling them all this when we hadn't even had sex.

"Really good. Best I've ever had, in fact." Everyone whooped again and congratulated him.

"Tell us who it is then!" I wasn't sure who said that; they all had their backs to me.

Harry smirked. "No."

Zayn groaned and pushed his arm back. "No? Come on, stop playing. Who is she?"

I wondered who he was going to pick; everyone at this school knew each other, so he couldn't get away with lying. Some of their next words were too quiet for me to hear, but I could easily assume what they were from Harry's response.

"I'm not telling you. Seriously."

Alex spoke up for the first time in a while. "Oh, I get it. You just don't want us to get on that. Greedy, aren't you, Styles?" I genuinely couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"I'm not! I just don't need to tell you guys." The bell rang just then and Harry took a step away from them. "And you'll never figure it out."

He caught my eye as he walked passed me and held his hand up; 'I love you'. I signed back to him and he grinned before disappearing around a corner. I glanced behind me to make sure no one had seen us, and luckily, Zayn was turned away.

I walked behind a boy and girl holding hands as I made my way to class. It honestly made me quite jealous; I would never be allowed to do that. Well, it's not that I wasn't allowed to. I had done it before, but it had its repercussions.

I got a text from him while I was in math.

From Harry: Locker room 10 minutes

Well I wasn't going to say no to that. I excused myself from class and made my way down to the locker rooms. They wouldn't be occupied for another couple of hours, so no one would come in to bother us. Perfect.

The door opened and Harry grinned at me. "I don't like having to ignore you all day, Louis."

I didn't like that either, but I didn't want to wait for him any longer. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down so that our lips connected into a blazing kiss so intense that it nearly had me seeing stars. Every kiss with him was so exciting and so perfect.

He pushed me up against the locker room wall and slid his hands up my shirt. All my senses were on fire with the feeling of Harry's wonderfully soft lips against mine. He kissed me harder, causing a soft moan to escape me.

I pulled away for only a second to pull my shirt off and then immediately brought my mouth back to his. I wasn't planning on taking him right there on the locker room floor, I just wanted to rile him up a bit. It was clearly working.

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