Chapter One

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"I'm telling you, she's looking right at us." Michael nudged his bandmates with a grin.
"You're a weirdo, there's no way she's- oh my god she's coming this way." Calum was shocked.
What would Hailey Payne, the beautiful hostess of the party, want with 4 guys? Was she even walking towards them?
"I swear if she's coming towards us-" Ashton muttered, trying to stay calm.
"Hey. I like your shirt. Kurt Cobain, right?" Hailey came to a stop in front of them, her large blue eyes and extremely pale skin enhanced by the dark red dress she was wearing.
"I- y- yeah. You like Nirvana?" Luke asked, having been on his phone and not hearing what his bandmates were saying.
"One of my favourite bands, to be honest." Hailey smiled,
Michael, Ashton, and Calum slipped away, leaving the 10 to talk to Luke alone. Of course they were jealous, she was way out of his league. Luke had that rock aesthetic going on though which girls were attracted to for some reason; it bumped him up from a 5 to a 6.
"So... how have you been?" Luke awkwardly tried to make conversation with his fellow blonde.
"I've been good, nice to be at a party without my cousin glaring at all the guys." Hailey smiled.
"That's right, your cousin's Liam Payne." Luke remembered, and Hailey nodded even if it wasn't exactly the truth.
It was strange to think of Hailey and Liam being related; she was all too-pale skin, large blue eyes, long white-blonde hair, and jewellery & Liam was all tan skin, puppy brown eyes, short dirty-blonde hair, and tattoos. It was hard to connect the two as family.

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