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NoEyez: Scarlett Cryatal

ItsMe: Cassidy

Cri: C.C

Im3: Charlie

Iam11: Elizabeth

MistakesWereMade: Mia(Clara)

Bri'ishBoi: William

IBurnYouAlive: Henry

NoLungz: Micheal

IPossesNoOne: Xack(Pronounced Zack)

ShootsGun: Terrance

IWillKillYou: Sammy

BigBon: Bonnie/Jeremy

FakeBon: Toy Bonnie/Evan

Breadbear: Nightmare Fredbear

Nootmare: Nightmare

HumanPurple: Nathen(soul that possesses Nightmare Fredbear)

HumanYellow: Colten(Soul that possesses Nightmare)

LockedUp: Lockheart

QuietGiggle: Rayne

FoxBon: Foxy/Fritz

Pizza: Chika/Susie

AreYouReady: Freddy/Gabriel

IsButterACarb: Toy Chika/Miya

ImGay: Nightmare Foxy/Terrance(Yes terrance has two account)

ImNotReal: Nightmare Marrionet(f thw actual mame)/Jamez

DontEatStove: Amber/N.Magle.

ISeeYou: Shadow Bonnie

GoodDad: Oliver(William's Dad)



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