Part 5

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I sat in History of Magic, wanting nothing more than to leave. I had found no more information on Draco since the Katie Bell incident and it had been the only thing on my mind. I took the entire weekend to see if Draco looked like he was up to something, but no luck. It didn't help that the awkwardness between Ginny and I still hung fresh in the air, we would talk when we had to, no more and no less. I'm sure Ginny had heard about Harry's accusations against my brothers which probably made things worse. I sunk deeper into my hard chair wanting to disappear into it. It's almost as if my mind was read, when Dumbledore opened the large wooden door in the back of the class.

"Ellie Malfoy" He announced and gestured towards the door. I stood up and followed him out into the corridor. What could Dumbledore possibly need me for?

"Miss Malfoy, I just want to let you know that Draco is in the Hospital wing." I felt my stomach churn and a look of confusion appeared across my face.

"He had a very dangerous spell performed on him, the Sectumsempra spell, to be exact.He'll be fine though, he just needs to spend some time recovering." He explains, scanning my face for any change in emotion.

"By whom, may I ask?" I ask, cracking my knuckles nervously, keeping my voice as steady as possible

"I'm sorry, Miss Malfoy, but I'm not allowed to tell you who performed the spell." Dumbldore says slowly, giving me a sincere apologetic look.

"It was Potter, wasn't it." I say, already knowing the answer. Dumbledore looked at me, before giving me a slight nod.

"I ask that you not cause any more problems, I have already dealt with it." Dumbledore said calmly. I take a deep breath and nod. Dumbledore placed his hand on my back, gesturing for me to begin walking. After what felt like the longest walk of my life, we finally stopped in front of two doors with a sign hanging above it that read "Hospital Wing." Dumbledore opened the door and I walked in. I turned my head to see if Dumbledore was following behind me, but instead he closed the door, leaving me to continue alone. I turn my head to the Hospital beds, and I see Draco lying in bed, while Pansy sat next to him. Her hand was intertwined with his, fidgeting with his rings. She heard my footsteps and turned to face me.

"I-I was just about to leave" she says, giving me a sad smile. She picks up her bag and exits the large room. As soon as the door shuts I look at Draco. He was awake, but he obviously didn't have the energy to speak. I slowly make my way over to him and sit at the seat that Pany was sitting in.

"What the hell did you get yourself into, Draco," I mutter. Draco slowly moves his hand to rest on my arm, signalling that he heard what I said. Not able to contain myself any longer, I finally ask what has been invading my mind since Potter said it to me.

"You hexed her... didn't you" Draco slowly turns his head towards me, and his mouth opens, but closes again. Rage begins to slowly fill my body, and I suddenly feel no remorse for the boy in front of me. "You hexed Bell."

"Ellie-" He struggles to say, but I don't let him finish

"You know, Draco, every time I start to feel better, you always manage to make everything worse. I'm done protecting you, and I'm done apologizing for you." I say, my voice starting to rise. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. He doesn't say anything.

"Fuck you Draco" I spit. His eyes widen and he removes his hand from my arm. "And I mean it." I finish sharply. He doesn't reply.

"Blaise is more of a brother then you at this point" I whisper under my breath just loud enough for him to hear.

"What.. did... you just.... say" He says, struggling. Maybe I shouldn't be arguing with him after he got hit with the Sectumsempra spell. Eh. Fuck it.

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