Nothing's Ever Simple

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  Things had never been simple between William and Vincent, they were the middle children out of four and lived in London. Every night since they were five Vincent would crawl into bed with William, Vincent was a very clingy child when it came to his twin, they would go everywhere with each other and rarely ever went off by themselves. But everything changed when their mother got sick and they had to move to America for better care.


It had only been a year since their family had moved to America, 11 year old Vincent was very upset by their mother's situation, but was trying to be brave for her. William was also upset, but it hurt him more to see his twin in so much pain. They were at school when the two of them were suddenly called to the office, when they got there the two boys saw their father sitting in one of the chairs on the verge of tears. "Boys, your dad has some sad news for you and you will be excused for the rest of the week" the principal said, the twins gathered up their things before following their dad out to the car. "What's wrong dad?" Young Vincent asked as they climbed into the car, "wait until we get home" their father responded. When they arrived at home their father sat them down and told them something no young child should have to hear, their mother was dead. She had died because of her illness and there was nothing the doctors could do to stop it. Vincent began to cry, as did his dad. William let slip a few tears as he hugged his twin, who's whole body shook with his sobs. That night Vincent cried himself to sleep in William's arms, William was devastated. he was angry at the world for making their mother sick, and for causing his brother so much pain. He gently wiped away the tears that had begun to fall from Vincent's eyes in his sleep, he hated to see his twin so broken...

AN: I'm really sorry if this is shit, I promise it will get better at some point. Bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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