Chapter 7

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On the last day of Pax East you met with Clyde, Craig, Token and Tweek for breakfast. Lilith was still passed out at the hotel.
You sat in a half circle booth. You were at the end, Clyde next to you, then Token, then Craig and finally Tweek at the other end. Your phone buzzed. You looked at it to see a text from Mark.
"I'll be right back," you said and headed to the bathroom. You pulled out your phone
Mark: Hey care to join, Arin, Dan, Jack and I for breakfast?
You: I would love to, but I'm already at breakfast with a few friends right now.
Mark: ah alright! Well before everyone leaves were all saying goodbye in front of the hotel and getting a few pictures. If you can make it.
You: what time?
Mark: noon is when most people are leaving.
You: I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out.
Mark: See ya then!
You headed back out to your table and sat back down.
"Sorry about that," you sigh.
"Oh no it's fine, is everything okay?" Clyde asks.
"Yeah, Lilith woke up and got confused as to where I was," you reply.
"Ah okay!" Clyde smiled.
You all ordered your drinks then you heard a familiar voice.
"Yeah it's a shame S/n couldn't make it," Dan said. Your heart beat sped up. Why? Why? Why!?
"Y/n, do you see them?" Clyde asks elbowing you gently.
"Y-yeah," you nod.
"We should go say hi," Clyde said as he practically pushed you out of the booth.
"What would we even say?" You ask as you stood up. Clyde grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to your four coworkers. They hadn't even sat down yet.
"Hello my name is Clyde and this is my friend Y/n were both big fans," Clyde smiled.
"Hello," Dan smiled at you two.
"Is it okay if we get a few pictures?" Clyde asks.
"Of course!" Mark smiled. Clyde dragged you into the picture as he extended his arm. He had a smile on his face as he snapped the first picture.
You could feel your anxiety rising. What if one of them recognized you? What would you do then?
"Hey are you okay kiddo?" Mark asked as he set a hand on your shoulder.
"Y-yep! Perfectly fine! We should get back to our table Clyde," you said and dragged Clyde back over to your table.
"Are you okay Y/n?" Clyde asks as he sat down.
"Yep... yep. I'm fine," you say. Clyde glanced back over at the four then back at you.
"Alright," Clyde hummed.
*Mark's POV*
The H/c haired boy... I feel like I've met him before. I could feel his anxiety radiating off him... just like I could with S/n at our panel. Its probably just a coincidence.... yeah. Yeah it has to be.
"Its not fair! I didn't get a turn being Papa Jack!" Jack exclaimed snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Awe you'll hopefully get to say bye to him," Dan said.
"Yeah, I think he might of been struggling a little between his online ego and real life," I say.
"Oh yeah poor kid its probably hard living a double life," Arin says.
"I'm impressed he didn't slip up," Dan added.
"Definitely," Jack hummed.
I looked around for S/n in the lobby, I really was hoping to get to say goodbye to him.
Soon I saw the familiar jesters mask enter the lobby. I was the first person he spotted.
"Hey," he smiled as he got to me.
"Hey, I'm glad you found the time to say Bye to your old man," I smiled. I heard S/n chuckle softly.
"I'll always find the time," he said. I gave him a tight hug.
"Remember kiddo if you need anything don't be afraid to text or even call me," I say.
"Thanks, Mark," he sighed as he hugged me back.
We pulled away.
S/n jumped and looked over at the loud Irishman.
"Papa Jack wants a hug!" Jack exclaimed. S/n laughed and hugged Jack. We finished saying our goodbyes then headed out. Now to go back home.
*Normal Pov*
It was a long drive home and when you finally go to your house all you wanted to do was sleep.
"Lilith ar eyou good with pizza tonight? I am so tired I can't cook," you sighed.
"Of course Pizza is fine!" Lilith smiled. You brought your bags back inside. You ordered the pizza for you and Lilith then gave her the money for it.
After that you passed right the fuck out.
The next morning you woke up feeling a lot better and well rested.
You checked your phone 8:38 in the morning. You also had a message from Clyde.
Clyde: Hey I hope you made it home okay! Text me when you get this... please?
You: Yeah, hey sorry. I passed out as soon as I got home.
You lounged in bed until Clyde texted you back which was about 9:42.
Clyde: I'm glad you made it home safely! And even got some sleep!
You: Yeah. I'm glad you got back safely too.
Clyde: Really!?!
You: Of course your my friend
Clyde: aisbsuqgjajevwib! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
You: .... are you okay?
Clyde: I've moved to the friend zone!!!!
You: I see... well I gotta get breakfast going ttyl.
Clyde: Alright talk to you later!
You got out of bed and headed to the bathroom first then headed downstairs.
You pulled out eggs, sausage and orange juice.
You made yours and Lilith's breakfast.
"Good morning," Lilith mumbled as she entered the kitchen.
"Good morning," you say and set the plate in front of her. You and Lilith started on your food.
"Do you think it would be okay if I went to the mall with Ike and Tricia today?" Lilith asks.
"Yeah that's fine do you need a ride? Or money?" You ask.
"No Kyle will be driving us there, and I still have some money from last time," she replies.
"Okay, what time?" You ask.
"About two, two thirty," she says.
"Alright just come say bye before you leave," you say.
"I will," she nods.
You finished breakfast and did the dishes. You went up to your attic and started sifting through masks from the Halloween contest. You then came across Butters.... you put it into the winning pile.
*Lilith's Pov*
I love Y/n, I really do! But I feel like he's always too worried about me! He doesn't take care of himself and he just never seems happy unless he's recording. Then he's behind a mask and no one knows who it is! Like god why can't S/n and Y/n be the same person! I just want to see my brother happy without using a mask!
"Bye Y/n!" I called up to the attic.
"Bye have a godd time, love you!" He called back.
"Love you too!" I yell before heading downstairs and out the front door. I hoped into the back of Kyle's car.
"Hello!" Ike smiled.
"Hey," I hum as Kyle started to drive.
When we got to the mall Kyle dropped us off up front.
"I'll pick you guys up around eight," he called.
"Okay!" The two of us yelled in unison.
"Ike! Lilith!" Tricia called to us. Craig and Craig stood behind her. We approached Triacia with smiles. That reminded me.
"Hey Craig, is Clyde with you guys? I needed to talk to him," I say.
"He's inside with Bebe, I think they went to Claire's first so they should be right up front," Craig nodded.
"Okay thanks, I'll see you guys in a few minutes," I said then headed inside.
Just as Craig had said Clyde was in Claire's with Bebe. He tried to look interested but was failing miserably.
"Clyde!" I got the boys attention.
"Oh hey Lilith! Didn't expect to see you here is Y/n with you?" He asks. Bebe glared back at Clyde, damn she is mega jealous. Clyde didn't seem to notice though.
"No, but I actually wanted to talk to you about him!" I say.
"Oh really?" Clyde asks.
"Mmhm, let's go find somewhere more private," I say.
"I'll be right back Bebe," Clyde said then followed me.
We found a small empty corner in the mall.
"Is everything okay with Y/n? He's not hurt is he?" I ask.
"No... he's fine... its just since you became his friend... he seems... slightly happier then he was before. So please if Y/n ever pushes you away because he gets scared push him right back! He needs you and I can tell," I say," I'm sorry if that's to much to ask."
"Not at all... from the second I met him I could tell he needed someone, so I'll strive to be that someone," Clyde said.
"Thank you!" I smiled. Clyde returned my smile and nodded. We headed back to Claire's. Bebe, Tricia, and Ike were all waiting outside.
"Sorry about that we can go now," I say.
"Let's got then!" Ike smiled as he pressed forward.
Tricia and I followed happily.

Double LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora