Miley's Suffering

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A/N: Hello Cheesecicles! This was suggested to me by TheSilverScarletRose! I really hope you enjoy! Just to be clear, Mikey is a girl in this story but the turtles and everyone else are the same!

Trigger warning: This oneshot mentions depression, self harm, suicide, drug addiction and depression. Reader discretion is advised.

*Gives you tissues*

This is going to be very emotional and sad! You are going to cry!

*Gives headphones*

There are going to be music videos in this oneshot so please listen to them when you see them pop up! They're really sad, but they're perfect for this book!

Read on!

Sorry for making you cry!


Hamato Miley sat in her room in the lair, her long orange mask tails drooping over her shoulder. She was holding a picture of her and her family.

Five smiling faces stared back at her. Her brothers, herself, and master Splinter. Miley gripped the photo close to her plasteron, whimpering.

Her baby blue eyes were dulled. Master Splinter had been killed by the Super Shredder three months ago. They were all struggling, but Miley was struggling the most.

Leo was struggling as well, but he had gotten over it the quickest. He knew that his brothers and sister needed his guidance. So, he managed to cope with his grief pretty quickly. He was in the acceptance stage.

Raph was coping as well. He'd been in the anger stage of grief for weeks. It had all happened so fast. Why master Splinter? Why'd he have to die?!

Donnie was in the bargaining stage. He knew Splinter was dead, but couldn't accept it sometimes. He wished this had never happened. They all did...

But it did happen...

Miley was in the depression stage of grief. She was in so much pain emotionally. She didn't tell anyone though. She was the happy one, she needed to stop crying. She wasn't supposed to be broken like this.

"I m-miss you papa..." She whispered, letting her tears fall. She missed Splinter more than anyone. Memories of him flew through her head. She broke down and started to sob.

"I can't do this anymore...."

A few days later, the turtle brothers have started becoming worried about their sister. Miley had been more distant lately, hardly talking to them or coming out of her room.

Sure, they were all hurting. But Miley seemed to be taking Splinter's the hardest. "I'm worried, guys." Leo said, looking at is brothers. They sat in the lair, talking to each other.

"Me too, she hasn't been herself lately, I saw her sneaking out last night but didn't say anything, thought she wanted time alone or something." Raph explained, looking up.

"Hmm, weird...I saw her coming in the farmhouse at four in the morning...something's up." Donnie said, remembering. "We should talk to her." Leo suggested calmly.

Raph hummed. Then, he had an idea. "Why don't we just follow her the next time she leaves? Then we can see for ourselves what's going on." Leo and Donnie looked at him.

"Good idea..."

The next day, they saw Miley getting into the Party Wagon and driving off. The other turtles followed her, in mild confusion and worry.

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