Chapter 1

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Do you ever have one of those days where everything pisses you off a bit more than usual? That was one of those days for Kyle.

He took his books out of his locker, wincing slightly as he slammed it shut, muttering out a small apology to the kid standing next to him that he'd scared the shit out of.

What was pissing him off today? Well...

He turned around, leaning his back against the lockers and focusing his attention on his best friend and his current girlfriend Wendy Testaburger.

He frowned while watching them, a small burn in his chest forming that he couldn't understand. Why did Stan and Wendy piss him off? It wasn't them as people—Stan's his best friend and genuinely the only person who makes him the happiest he could possibly be—his other half if you will.

And Wendy... well, Kyle didn't really have much to say about her. Sure they were good friends when they were kids and they still are. When he thinks about it he can't really find anything bad to say about her—the only thing being how much she put Stan through during their on-off relationship, but he couldn't fully put the blame on her for that—it goes both ways after all.

So what was this? This feeling in his chest whenever he looked at them, the burn that felt so intense he felt like he was on literal fire—the queasy feeling in his stomach when he saw them kissing.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes and averting his attention from the couple, slowly sliding down against the lockers and sitting against them, his energy seemingly depleted.

"What is wrong with me?" He muttered to himself, laying his head down on his knees, trying his best to block the world out. With any luck maybe he'll just cease to exist and all of his problems will come to an end.

It wasn't them as people he hated, it was more-so their relationship—but why? There was nothing wrong with them being together, they'd been on and off like this since they were 10, the past 8 years have been a rollercoaster for them.

Is that why he hated it? He didn't know. He wish he knew.

"Kyle?" He heard an all too familiar voice say, jumping slightly at how close it was. He lifted his head up only to see his best friend stood directly in front of him, concern laced on his features. Kyle tried his best to give him a smile,

"Hey dude." His voice sounded oddly weak and tired even though he'd gotten plenty of sleep last night. Stan frowned a little and kneeled down to meet his line of vision.

"Are you okay?" His voice sounded even more concerned than his face looked, making Kyle feel slightly guilty for putting that on him. He nodded, trying to make it as convincing as possible so not to worry his best friend any further—but Stan's frown only deepened.

"You sure? You do realize you're sitting on the floor right?" He asked, pointing out the obvious which to Kyle was pretty comical. He snickered, not missing the way Stan's face visibly relaxed a little after he did so.

"No way, really?" He replied sarcastically, a gentle smile forming on his lips. Now it was Stan's turn to laugh.

"You know what I meant dickhead," he said lightheartedly, putting a hand out for Kyle to take, the other boy hesitating before pushing his thoughts aside and grasping his best friends hand and letting him pull him up off the ground.

"Yeah yeah I know."

"So—are you okay?" Stan asked, his expression once again turning into a more serious one, making Kyle's heart race just a little bit faster.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. I need to stop studying so late." He lied—and lying to your best friend not only is one of the worst things to do, but the hardest—for multiple reasons. One, your best friend knows you better than anyone in the world and if you tell a lie, they somehow just know that you're lying and two, it hurts to lie to them. You should never have to lie to your best friend, if anything they're the person you should feel most comfortable telling the truth to and usually Kyle is always comfortable with telling Stan everything but in this case he can't, because it's literally about him—and besides, he doesn't even understand what's going on himself at this point so confusing and possibly upsetting Stan is out of the question.

Stan sighed, his brows furrowing once again before wrapping an arm around him, pulling him into his arms. Kyle's heart leaped out of his chest, multiple feelings rising that he didn't understand and in that moment he didn't want to try and figure it out, so he did what he always did best—blocked them out.

He closed his eyes, leaning into Stan's touch and stayed there for a little while, the feeling of Stan's hand rubbing his back making him feel oddly giddy inside.

"You should really get some more sleep y'know." Stan mumbled in his ear, sending shivers down his spine at the sensation. Kyle grumbled, burying his head deeper in Stan's chest, the other boy tightening his hold around him.

"I know... I'm just—I don't know—"

"Obsessed with studying?" Stan joked, making Kyle lift his head and lightly smack him on the chest.

"No! Well, maybe a little," he laughed, "it's a good thing to study more!" he argued, Stan laughing slightly.

"Not when you're supposed to be sleeping." He replied. Kyle grinned and put his head back down on his friend's chest.

"Okay you might have a point there but still," he said matter of factly.

Stan hummed in agreement, squeezing his arms around Kyle a little tighter before pulling away, the other boy embarrassingly disappointed.

"Promise me you'll look after yourself more." Stan said softly, the look on his face enough to make Kyle's knees want to give out. He nodded slowly, smiling at how caring his best friend really is, his chest growing warm. He was lucky to have him.

"Thanks Stan." He replied, his voice full and affectionate.


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