Chapter 2

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It had been an excruciatingly long day, lunch was only just rolling around and Kyle was ready to go to bed—that's how tired he was. He trudged through the halls, seemingly lost in his own head until he saw Stan and Wendy approaching.

"Oh great.." he thought, mentally and emotionally preparing himself for the feelings he was about to get—none of them being good ones.

"Hey dude!" Stan said, stopping directly in front of him, a big contagious smile plastered on his lips.

"Hey," he replied, returning the smile and turning to Wendy, giving her a small wave, "hey Wendy." She smiled back warmly,

"Hi Kyle!" She said sweetly, which for a normal person would be really nice but for Kyle? It made him want to die.

Because he's not normal.

What he hated about it was the fact that Wendy was genuinely one of the nicest people he'd ever met and he wished and wished and wished he could find a reason to hate her being with his best friend but every time he tried to think of any reason, he always came up empty.

What he hated the most was the fact that he even disliked their relationship in the first place. Why? There was genuinely nothing wrong with Stan and Wendy being in a relationship, so why did it bother him so goddamn much?

He wished he could figure it out—in some way he's always been bothered by their relationship, even when they were kids but not near enough as badly as he was now—he thought as they got older it would be easier, but somehow it got worse, so much worse.

He sighed, all of a sudden feeling dizzy and overwhelmed and put an arm out to steady himself, Stan stepping forward and putting a hand on his shoulder, the familiar look of concern back on his face.

"Hey are you okay?"

Kyle shook his head, this time unable to lie.

"I don't know—I don't feel very good, just dizzy."

Stan's concern only heightened at this and he took a glance towards Wendy, her face much the same.

"I think he needs to sit down." She said worriedly, Stan nodding in agreement. He wrapped an arm around Kyle's side, pulling him in close—the urge to protect him and make sure he was going to be okay being his top priority.

"Come on Ky, let's go and sit somewhere quiet, yeah?" He said softly, trying not to be too loud in case he had a headache. Kyle just nodded, leaning more heavily into Stan's side.

Wendy patted Kyle on the shoulder and hoped he would get better soon, which only made Kyle feel more sick. She turned to Stan and gave him a peck on the cheek,

"I would come with you guys but I'm meeting the girls to go over some stuff." She said sadly, giving Kyle a concerned look again.

"It's okay, I'll look after him." Stan said gently, Wendy nodding in agreement—and off she went down the hall, perfect hair and all. Kyle sighed again, screwing his eyes shut to fight the urge to cry. Why he wanted to cry he had no idea—his emotions were all over the place.

They both decided it would be best to go to the library, it's quiet and not many people go there. They headed towards the back of the room and Stan pulled out a chair for him, making sure he was comfortable which again made Kyle want to cry. Why did he have to be so nice?

Stan sat down next to him and reached into his backpack, pulling out a fresh bottle of water. "Here, you'll need as much of this as you can get." He said gently. Kyle took the bottle and quietly thanked him, opening the cap and taking small sips, the water immediately making him feel a little bit better.

Stan x Kyle/Style - Jealousy Where stories live. Discover now