Chapter 3

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It had been a few days since Kyle went to the doctor and had a blood test done and lo and behold he did have low iron that he needed medication for. He wasn't really that surprised, he was showing every symptom—he was just glad that it was finally being dealt with.

He hummed a little song to himself as he left his house to go to school, closing the front door behind him and eating a slice of toast he'd made for himself. He wasn't really a breakfast type of person but lately he wants as much energy as he can get and if eating breakfast will improve that even a little bit he'll take it.

He put his free hand in his coat pocket, taking in the fresh air and zoning out, going back into his own little world.

"Kyle!" He jumped at the sudden calling of his name, spinning around to see Stan jogging his way over to him from his house. He stopped and just watched as Stan stopped directly in front of him, smiling brightly.

"Hey Stan." He smiled back, his heart warming at the sight of him.

"Wanna walk to school together?"

"Yeah sure, I don't see why not,"

They smiled at each other and started their walk, both of them in comfortable silence for a minute or two before one of them spoke up.

"So it turns out I do have an iron deficiency." Kyle said with a chuckle.

"At least you know for sure now. Have they given you anything for it?"

"Yeah, I have to get these injections every few weeks that'll give me a boost. I just call them B-12 injections."

Stan nodded in understanding. "I'm glad they're doing something about it."

Kyle puffed out a breath, "yeah me too, at least I know I'm not going to pass out or anything any time soon. My muscles don't hurt as bad either and I'm not falling asleep at any given time anymore."

"Hey that's great!" Stan smiled, nudging him in the side.

Kyle giggled, "I guess it is pretty great." He agreed. Stan's eyes drifted from Kyle's face down to the slice of toast in his hand,

"You're eating breakfast? Now that's a surprise." Stan laughed. Kyle nudged him in the arm.

"It's not that surprising." He lightly argued back but Stan shook his head.

"No no it's definitely surprising. Not once in our entire eighteen years of life have you willingly eaten breakfast this early in the morning."

Kyle laughed. "Willingly? What does that mean?"

"You've only ever eaten breakfast in the morning if you've absolutely had to and I can only count that happening like 3 times."

Kyle hummed. "You know me too well." That made Stan laugh.

"We know each other too well—but that's just how we've always worked." Stan smiled.

"Yeah... how we work." He mused, remembering their childhood together and how they always knew each other best and could only make each other as happy as could be.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing that you're eating breakfast—actually I'm proud of you for doing that because I know you hate it. I was just surprised."

"I know silly, I've surprised myself. But if I want to have as much energy in my system as I can then eating breakfast every morning might be a good step y'know?"

"Yeah definitely!" Stan grinned, genuinely looking proud which made Kyle's stomach do little flips and twirls—whatever that means—he was still trying to figure it out.

"Do you want a bite?" He said, laughing slightly at how dumb he sounded and probably looked just holding a piece of half eaten toast out to his best friend. Stan looked at the toast and back at Kyle's face around 3 times before realizing he was serious, laughing himself before nodding and leaning forward, taking a bite out of the toast.

Kyle's face heated up, why he had no idea, all Stan was doing was eating some of his food it made no sense for his heart rate to be this fast. Stan let out a muffled laugh, chewing on the toast,

"It's pretty good actually. Did you make it?" Kyle nodded, "I thought so. You've always made things different to other people."

Kyle stopped in his tracks, his eyebrow raising in confusion. "What? What do you mean?" Stan shrugged his shoulders,

"I don't know it's just—how do I explain this," he hesitated, trying to use the right words, "whenever I have food or drink that you've made I just know that you've made it before finding out. Like, oh!" He snapped his fingers, turning to Kyle, "here's an example, remember that one year where the community held that big Christmas party?" Kyle nodded, "and you made that incredible pot roast and key lime pie?" Again, he nodded, remembering how stressful doing all of that was and hoping it was perfect, "well, when I ate them I had no idea that you'd made all of it but I just had a feeling—I don't know how to explain it but I just knew that you had made it and when I asked I wasn't surprised to find out that you had."

Kyle was amazed to say the least. "That's—woah." Stan let out an airy laugh.

"Yeah I know, pretty freaky. But every time I've had that feeling I've always been right."

Kyle laughed and held out the piece of toast once more, "but this—this is just toast."

Stan belly laughed, "I know! And somehow I just knew that you'd made it instead of your parents." Kyle flushed again,

"That is pretty funny. But it's also kinda nice," his face turned an even deeper shade of red and he shook his head, "I don't know, maybe that's dumb."

"No, no! I get what you mean. Whenever I eat food that you've made I always feel so at home and I don't know—safe? Everything just feels right and in place. And that's not just when you make food that's all the time when we're together."

Kyle's face was pretty much an inferno at this point, eternally grateful that they were out walking in the cold so at the very least he could blame it on that. "Thanks Stan." He replied, not really knowing what else to say. It was overwhelming but in a good way.

Stan smiled. "Of course, dude. Just tellin' the truth."

"I feel that way too. I'm happy we have each other."

For a few seconds it was silent, and Kyle was growing concerned, finally averting his attention from the road in front of him to his best friend and what he saw was—interesting. Stan's face was a dark shade of red and he almost looked like he was overheating? Kyle didn't know. He reached out a hand and put it on his shoulder, "are you okay?"

Stan nodded vehemently, laughing nervously and scratching the back of his neck, "yeah I'm okay! I'm—I'm glad that we have each other too." He said, the tone of his voice even more confusing than his expression—it was one that Kyle couldn't fully decipher but at the same time he knew it wasn't anything negative. Just another thing for him to be confused about.

They continued their walk to school, going back to talking about random stuff and laughing.

"Do you wanna hang out after school? Play some video games and make good food?" Stan asked. Kyle nodded,

"Yeah I'd love to. Your place or mine?"

Stan shrugged with a smile.

"My place?"

Kyle smiled back, "Sure, sounds great."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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