Family Ties, Chapter 3

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Yuxin moved in to Kun's home on the last day of November.

Kun had volunteered to help her pack and move but Yuxin had politely declined, saying that she had things covered. Not wanting to overstep his boundaries, he settled for the next best thing - decorating the living room and the room Yuxin would be occupying. Putting up blue balloons and two silver banners with the word, "Welcome," scrawled across them in blue font, Kun wanted to make Yuxin feel comfortable in her new home, and with him, as quickly as possible.

He heard the beep of the condo door opening and rushed to the foyer to greet her. Seeing Yuxin enter with a suitcase in her hand, he reached out to take it from her but she shook her head in response. "I've got this. Help Xue'Er instead," she told Kun.

Kun was momentarily taken aback by the response, surprised to hear of Xue'Er's presence. He didn't think Yuxin would tell someone from their school about their situation. Looking past Yuxin's shoulder, he saw said girl appear in the doorway with a big box in her arms. "Hi Xue'Er," he greeted awkwardly. Outside of some courteous conversation at games and practices, he barely interacted with the head cheerleader. "Let me get that for you."

"I can do it," Xue'Er replied.

"Are you sure? I can-"

"I can do it!" Xue'Er repeated, her voice becoming shrill.

Kun stepped back, his palms up in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, I got it."

Noticing Kun's discomfort, Yuxin set her suitcase down on the floor and said quickly, "Actually KunKun, I'm going to leave this here. Could you bring it to my room for me? I'll go down and get the rest of my stuff while you do that."

Kun nodded, grateful for the distraction and eager to be of some use to the girl he adored. "Of course."

"Perfect." She looked over at her companion and gestured to a spot on the ground. "Xue-Jie, put the box down there and let KunKun bring it to my room. We'll finish faster this way."

In contrast to how she acted with Kun, Xue'Er followed Yuxin's orders obediently. As the two girls left the apartment, Kun heard Xue'Er say to Yuxin, "I didn't know you were close enough to Cai Xukun to call him KunKun."

Though Yuxin's reply was too faint for Kun to hear, Xue'Er's comment made him happy. Lifting Yuxin's suitcase with a smile, he began his task of transporting her items to her new bedroom.

A half hour later, Yuxin and Xue'Er were sprawled on the living room couch, with Yuxin sitting in the middle with her legs sprawled haphazardly in front of her and Xue'Er sitting on the left with her body half-draped over the armrest.

Approaching the two exhausted girls, Kun handed them both drinks. "Here, to recover your energy."

Xue'Er accepted the glass with a soft murmur of thanks. Unlike how she had acted earlier, she was now speaking in a docile, feminine manner.

Yuxin examined the cloudy beverage carefully. "What is this?"

"It's coconut water. It'll both hydrate and give you the nutrients you need to replenish your energy."

Yuxin nodded. "Got it. Thank you, KunKun." She took a dainty sip before looking up at him with a small grin that made his heart race. "You're very thoughtful."

Kun felt his ears turn hot from the compliment. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Yuxin insisted. "You're very kind and warmhearted." She waved a hand at the decorations Kun had prepared for her. "Look at all the trouble you went to putting these up for me. This must have taken you so long to do."

Kun was sure his face was now as red as his ears. "Honestly, it wasn't too bad at all." He paused and then asked hopefully, feeling all the world like a puppy begging for his master's approval, "Do you like them?"

Yuxin looked amused. "I love them, KunKun. Thank you."

As the two exchanged warm smiles with each other, Kun drew closer to Yuxin. Just as he was about to sit next to her on the couch, Xue'Er said loudly, "Liu Yuxin, I'm hungry. Do you think we can order some food to eat now?"

Kun stepped back, the moment unfortunately broken. Suppressing his sigh of disappointment, he headed to the kitchen to get some takeout menus for Xue'Er and Yuxin to look at.

Kun was startled when Yuxin caught him in the hallway right after he finished his shower.

"KunKun," Yuxin began earnestly before she stopped abruptly, her eyes fixed oddly on his neck.

After a few seconds of Yuxin staring, Kun reached up to rub at whatever it was she was looking at. To his puzzlement, all he found was a single bead of water tracking down the side of his neck.

Kun wondered why water would be fascinating to Yuxin. Was it because she thought he was a careless or messy person who couldn't even dry himself properly? "You were saying, Yuxin?"

Snapping herself out of her trance, Yuxin visibly gulped before clearing her throat. "Um...I was wondering if you would be alright with Xue'Er sleeping over tonight?"

Though Kun was surprised by the request, he did his best not to show it. "Whatever you want, Yuxin," he replied. "After all, this is your home now too."

Even as he said that, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. His grand plans of a sweet first day together with Yuxin in their new shared home had already been shattered with Xue'Er's constant presence. While he didn't necessarily begrudge the girl for being around them – he actually found Xue'Er quite easy to get along with after he got to know her more – he couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't returning to her own home.

As if on cue, Xue'Er joined them in the hallway. "Your make-up is smudging, GuaiGuai," Xue'Er said as she approached Yuxin and rubbed her index finger under Yuxin's eye. "You should go fix it."

Though Yuxin jumped a little at the touch, Kun noticed she didn't reject it. "It's late so I'm going to be taking my make-up off soon," Yuxin replied. "We have school tomorrow so we'll need to get ready for bed."

Yuxin's words made Kun suddenly think of her sleeping arrangements. "Yuxin, I just realized there's only one bed in your bedroom. There's a spare cot in my mom's closet. Do you want me to grab it for you or Xue'Er to use?"

"No need," Xue'Er said before Yuxin could reply. She hooked her arm around the short-haired girl's. "Yuxin and I always sleep in the same bed together. We'll be fine."

After Xue'Er practically dragged Yuxin away after they all said their good nights, Kun couldn't help but stare after the two girls, completely dumbfounded by Xue'Er's last words.

Yuxin and Xue'Er always sleep together?


Author's Note: What can I say? XinXue is my other guilty pleasure. Uhuhu. KunKun, you're in trouble now. 

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