Family Ties, Chapter 4

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Yuxin seemed to take Kun's words about this being her new home to heart because Xue'Er stayed with them for the entire school week, only departing on the Friday after school.

"Her parents are back in town," Yuxin explained to Kun when he asked why Xue'Er had left over dinner that night.

"What do they do?"

"They run a successful import export business so they often need to travel overseas. Xue'Er doesn't like to be alone in her home so she stays with me during those times."

Kun smiled softly. This new revelation made him fall for Yuxin more. "That's very sweet of you to take care of her."

Yuxin shrugged, looking a little sheepish. "Honestly, I don't mind. It's nice to have the company. It can be a little quiet on my own sometimes."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore," Kun replied. When Yuxin looked at him quizzically, he explained, "You now have me."

Yuxin gawked at him momentarily before she looked down at her food hastily. "Un," she murmured in agreement, the tips of her ears turning red. "I now have you."

For some reason Yuxin's shyness made Kun feel bashful too. He also looked down, scooping some of the Sichuan eggplant dish that Yuxin had made for dinner into his mouth.

The two continued eating quietly until Yuxin said suddenly, "I realized I never thanked you for letting Xue'Er stay with us this whole time. I know you two had never really spoken to each other prior. Did you find it awkward?"

Kun shook his head. "No, it was fine." He paused and added, "It was better than I thought it would it be."

And he was being honest. While a part of him did wish for more time alone with Yuxin, having Xue'Er around seemed to acclimate his crush to her new surroundings more quickly.

It's like going on a big group outing before dating privately, Kun thought. Having the extra people around helps to break the ice.

But wait. Wouldn't that mean Yuxin and I are on the equivalent of a date right now?

When he flushed at that thought, Yuxin asked in concern, "You're turning a little bit red, KunKun. Is the food too spicy?"

He shook his head quickly and picked up his glass of water to take a sip, not even realizing that this action seemed to contradict his words. "No, it's good, it's good."

Yuxin didn't look convinced. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes. It's delicious, Yuxin, honestly." He decided it best to change the subject. "So, what do you want to do this weekend?"

At first, he was puzzled when Yuxin looked taken aback by his question before he realized what his question implied. Feeling his face heat up again, he opened his mouth to explain himself when Yuxin beat him to it.

"I was just planning to sleep and study this weekend," she replied. She paused and asked shyly, "Was there...was there something you wanted to do together?"

Kun felt his heart leap in excitement. His mind raced as he tried to think of something he could say that would impress her – a rather difficult feat when he usually spent his weekends sleeping, watching movies alone, eating ice cream, and generally being a lazy bum around his home.

He then had a brilliant idea. "It's a surprise," he said slyly. "You'll find out tomorrow."

Though Yuxin's expression remained largely the same, he saw her eyebrows raise in intrigue. "Alright," she said with a sweet smile. "I'm looking forward to your surprise."

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