Chapter 22

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We're back in Penelope's POV

The next day Kaiden told me that he would teach me to play A Way Out and we would continue playing until I got the higher score after school.Never in my life had I thought that it would be Kaiden Cavanagh who would help me complete my bucket list but then again neither did I think I would ever get to date him.

"I'll just go and change my clothes"I said when we had returned from school on Wednesday.

"Are you mad.Where's the fun in that Bambi"

"What do you mean"

"I mean that we are gonna play without changing or having a bath"

"You want me to play in this mini skirt that I'm wearing"

"Yes.Nobody's coming to see you here.Now don't waste time"

"You're insane!"I said but I wanted to do it his way.

"You love me for that"

I couldn't help but smile at the silly boy sitting in front of me.I went and sat next to him as he prepared the playstation for us in the common room.

I chose to take up the role of Leo while Kaiden took up the role of Vincent.I didn't know what time it was but I knew that it had been hours since we were playing but still I didn't think I could beat Kaiden in this game.He was just so good at it.

"Kaiden promise me something"


"You won't lose on purpose.If you do so there's no point in me learning to play.I want to win purely on talent"I said with a grin.

"Promise Bambi"

We continued playing for a couple of hours more and now I knew I at least had some chance in front of him.I had gotten really good at the game and I knew that I could defeat a normal person but it would take some effort to defeat Kaiden because he was extraordinarily good at it.

I was this close to making my character Leo win when Kaiden's thigh brushed against my bare thigh and I completely lost focus and Kaiden won for the hundredth time I guess

"Just one more game and I'll defeat you"I said through gritted teeth

"What you say Bambi"he replied with a smirk

We played five more games and then I finally defeated Kaiden.

"Happy"he asked

"Very.Now can I please go and change into my pajamas"

"Yup.Guess I'll do the same."

Kaiden was about to leave the common room but I held his hand.He turned back to look at me.

"Thank you Kaiden"I whispered

"Anything for you Bambi"he said and kissed my forehead.

When I went to my room to take a shower I saw that it was already 10pm and Mr and Mrs Cavanagh weren't home yet.I took a shower changed my clothes and then went to Kaiden's room and then for a few minutes I was stunned into silence.Kaiden was in a towel,water dripping from his perfect abs on the floor.

"Go out and let me change or you'll have a heart attack looking at my hot body"

I couldn't argue with what he just said so I went outside quietly.

"You can come in now.I am decent"he said after sometime.

I went inside

"Why aren't your parents home yet"I asked

"Oh they've gone to a party.Won't be back till tomorrow morning.We'll just have to order some food for dinner."


"What do you wanna have"

"Let's order Parmesan Risotto with roasted shrimp"

"Good idea"he said as he picked up his phone to order it.

"It will take 20 minutes to get the food delivered.Shall we watch something on the TV till then"


I settled next to him on the bed and gently placed my head on his shoulders as he put on some TV show.

The next thing I knew Kaiden was waking me up for dinner.

"How can someone even sleep that fast.Are you on drugs or something?"

"Very funny"

He held my hand and as our fingers interlocked he pulled me downstairs to the dining table and pulled out a chair for me to sit.

"Trying to be chivalrous huh"I taunted

"I don't need to try"he said with a smirk

"Help yourself"he said slightly pushing the bowl full of risotto towards me

"Kaiden can I ask you something"


"What was Julian and Scarlett's relationship like?"

"What does that even mean?"

"Did they really love each other that much?"

"They did"

I didn't want to cry in front of Kaiden but I realized that tears had started welling my eyes.

"Woah what's the matter Bambi?Please don't cry"Kaiden said as he left his dinner,got up and came up to my chair and knelt right beside me on the ground taking my hands in his.

"I feel like I betrayed Scarlett.I never knew that what Julian and Scar had was this intense.I thought that it was not real by the way Julian described their kiss and Sam was hurt Kaiden.I just wanted her to be happy.I didn'treally think that much about the consequences"

"I know that you feel guilty Penelope but it's high time.I really think you should leave Julian's love life to him.He knows what's best for him and he knows how to deal with girls"

"I don't want anyone to get hurt"

"I know but it's not really your call to make"he said placing a hand on my cheek

I didn't really know what Julian and Sam's relationship had been like lately apart from the fact that they had started talking to each other and hanging out like they did before.I had spent the past few days entirely with Kaiden.It had reached to the point where both of us even spent the lunch break alone in the field talking to each other.So I hadn't had the time to talk to Sam or Julian for that matter.

After completing our dinner we went upstairs and as I was about to go to my room but then a thought occurred to me.

"Kaiden your parents won't be back for the night,right?"


"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

He looked at me with a smirk

"I meant just sleep.Like actually sleeping ok"

"Is that even a question!Of course"

I quickly went to my room to grab my pillow and then returned to his.He was already on the bed shirtless.

"Can you put on a shirt please"I said rolling my eyes

"Hey that's how I sleep and it's not like you haven't seen me shirtless before"

"Whatever"I said laying down next to him.I really had enjoyed my day today but I was also very tired.So I dozed off to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Hey guys!

First of all I would like to thank you all for reading my story and I really hope you are enjoying it so far.

The next update will be on Saturday!

If you guys like my story then please go and vote for it.It really motivates the author!:)

Also comment whether you ship Julian with Samantha or Scarlett below.Super excited to know.

See you soon;)

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