Chapter 17 - Mansion memories

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Ancient Louisiana oaks towered over, curling around each other to create an archway leading to a large mansion styled that of one from 1920s New Orleans. Creeping moss crawled along each branch, vines dangling just above to let sparkling beads of water to hit the crown of your head.

The brick path led up to the wooden front porch, black pillars holding up the structure. Iron railings fenced off the second floor balcony, metal curling to create flowers with intricate carvings.

Red toned wood creaked as you all entered the maroon drenched mansion. Everything from the wallpaper the furniture was red. Paintings aligned the hallway beside different taxidermized heads mounted on smooth oak crests.

"You sure like your red, don't you, Al?"

"I do," he chuckles quietly, letting you go to peak around into the lounge room. It's ashy fireplace was the first place Niffty scurried to as Husk slipped to raid the bar.

But Alastor didn't mind, no, he was too focused on the way you explored in pure curiosity. Your footsteps fading in and out of the halls, from the kitchen to the guest bathroom.

"Mind if I go upstairs?" you stop yourself from taking a step along the velvet carpet.

"Be my guest," Alastor gestured, following after you. By the time he had reached the top, you had gone through few of the many rooms; his study, weapons room, guest bedrooms, bathrooms, library, radio set up. This left only the master bedroom.

At the very end of the long hallway was two large doors which flew open with force when you nudged it. The bed was huge! Larger than any you've ever seen.

The duvet puffed up like clouds, similar to the leather chesterfield headboard. Red silk curtains hung around the fourposter, tied back with golden rope. Multitudes of pillows were rested along which made your heart rapidly beat with anticipation.

"Go ahead," Alastor lent against the door frame, knowing what you wanted to do. Kicking off your shoes you jumped onto the bed, the pillows clambering down on top of you.

It felt heavenly against your skin, the soft fabric and almost indescribably comfy pillows. "Why do you need so many pillows??"

"It's more for show, dear," He walks over to your side, pushing off the top pillow and smiling down at your grin.

"God, why would you ever want to leave this place?"

"It gets suffocating and lonely," he hums which made your grin fall. "Wh-" He was pulled into your arms suddenly, static rising around with his dialed eyes until he felt your hand run through his hair.

"I'm sorry," you mumble into the hug which made him pull back.

"Why are you sorry?"

"No one should ever be lonely," lips tilted to a small smile, you sit up and give him another hug. "Especially not you,"

Not another word needed to be said as Alastor held onto you tight. He longed to keep you in his arms, a pout being forced away when you ended the embrace.

"Now how about we get some of that valuable junk back to the hotel?"

"Sounds like a plan," he lifted himself up and turned only to feel you cling onto him from behind. "Really?"


He couldn't help but comply, letting your legs wrap around him, hands draped over his shoulder, your head rested between the two tufts of hair on his head.


"There ya are," Husk stared at his booze then to you mounted on Alastor's back. "I need to stop drinking,"

"Let's do this thing, ladies! Niffty!" You announce, calling for the cyclops who pops out from the kitchen.

"I'll meet you guys there! The fridge is a mess!"

"You heard the little darling," Alastor spun around to venture to the basement. "Careful with your head, my dear," As he opened the basement door, you moved your head to his shoulder.

"What secret lay to rest here?" You mumble close to his ear, a shiver running through him.

"Plans of treason, heists, murder,"

"Cute," a smile played on your lips as you jumped down from his back and onto the solid concrete ground. "God, there's a lot here,"

"Many decades down here, plus things from my life up there," Alastor shifted boxes with his foot as you bent down to dust away the labels on each box.

"You have things from your old life here?"

"Over there," He points to a pile of boxes, the oldest looking of the lot. Kneeling down with those, you lift the lids to see baby pictures, hunting pictures and family pictures... Though the family pictures were ripped to only have a young boy and a beautiful woman.

"Is this your mother?"

"That is," Alastor gets down beside you. "Beautiful isn't she?"

"More than... Now I know where you get your good looks," a smirk lays on your face as Alastor tints rosy red. "I think we'll leave these, let's start sorting,"


From paintings to vases, jewels to old radios... lots and lot of old radios... Like, it was actually a problem...

He was very reluctant to let go of those...

But soon it was all back in the lobby of the hotel, everyone getting down to sort things into piles while Niffty cleaned them until they reflected the heavens.

Now all was left was to prepare for the day. This meant fixing paintings up considering you were the only one who sort of knew what they were doing. Vaggie placed on prices as Charlie and Angel ventured out to advertise.

Nifty an Alastor worked on a menu as Husk 'planned' cocktails. In actuality he made them then drank them.

This was going to go well.



- Anna ❤️

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now