Chapter 10 - Lu-lu world

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It's been a while since the whole beach outing and you were getting bored of the same repetitive cycle; wake up, eat, draw, eat, watch Voxflix, eat, draw, sleep. Praise Lucifer because today was your lucky day! Angel had begged Vaggie to let him go to the aquarium. Of course Vagatha said no, so he went to Charlie who didn't agree considering Vaggie already said no... instead she decided take you all to Lu-Lu world; the original and much better version of Loo-Loo land.

"N/n!~" You look up from your tablet and see Angel standing by the door. Still in your pyjamas, reasonably considering it was 10 in the morning you see him fully ready for the day.

"What's up?"

"Get dressed!" Of course the plans were kept secret from everyone but Charlie and Angel who had planned the day.

"Uh... why?"

"We are going out!" The spider rummages in your closet and passes you a fitting outfit. A pair of black ripped shorts/jeans and a f/c halter top of course this was paired with your favourite pair of sneakers. (Feel free to change your outfit)

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out!"


"Oh... my... sweet baby Husker..." your jaw drops to the ground as you stumble out the car. "WE'RE AT LU-LU WORLD!" Spinning the spider around and around Charlie laughs as Vaggie sends a disapproving sigh to Angel and Charlie's plans.

"Know about this place?"

"Well I know about loo-loo land which is the knock off version of this park... it's in the second episode of Helluva Boss!"

"Glad you approve," The sound of childish screams and adult chatter filled your ears as you couldn't wait to get in! With a line stretching on for miles it seemed you were never going to get in, until Charlie gave the good news. "Dad owns this place so we can do whatever we want!" You didn't need another word of approval as you cheered with the pink polka spider, racing to the entrance.


"Where to first?" There was millions of more than likely rigged games to choose from. Tin can alley, ring toss, dunk tank, ring the bell, skeeball and so much more! The prizes were adorable, ranging from big to small in every colour the eye could perceive.

"How about a ride first? Get prizes at the end?" Niffty suggested.

"Teacups it is!" Charlie grabbed Vaggie and Niffty, dragging them down the path towards the wonderland themed ride, of course this wonderland was nothing like Disney's... it was more fitting for hell.

"Neva' heard of it before, smiles?" Angel looked down to Alastor with a smirk.

"Afraid not,"

"You're going to love this!" Taking Alastors hand in yours you raced forward and into a checkered teacup which had a weird stain on one of its seats. "Gross,"

"Allow me," the overlord took off his coat and laid it on top.

"Thank you kind sir," you curtsy and sit next to him as Angel and Husk exchanged a look of surprise. Then it started. Clutching the wheel tight, Angel knew what type of rider you were and grinned from ear to ear.

"Ready, Sugar?"

"Ready as ever!"

Husk held on tight to seat and actual tea cup as Alastor sat back gracefully looking around at everyone else. But it got chaotic when you and Angel spun the wheel. Immediately Alastor was flung against you as Husk groaned, either with nausea or annoyance.

"Slow this wretched thing down!" Alastor's claws dug into the seat as you and Angel screamed in pure bliss.

"Sorry what?! Couldn't hear you!"

Alastor sent you a glare which you returned with a wink. One by one demons started to be flung out of the tea cups. That was new.

"Is that normal?!"


Shrugging, you saw Husk's face turn green making your face drop. Alastor seemed to have caught this and flung the cat demon out before he could hurl on anyone. Nice. Eventually the ride slowed down making everyone let out sad Aw's.

"That was fun!"

Alastor moved past you and out the teacup, the moment his foot touched the ground he slipped and fell face first. Holding in a burst of laughter you watch Angel walk out gracefully, not effected by the spinning.

The Radio demon quickly jumped up and dusted off his coat, strangling a laughing demon in the line while he was at it.

"Nice one, smiles," Just like Alastor, you fell face first onto the ground.

"You were saying?" Alastor asked with delight in his voice.

"Shut up," You grumbled.

"Assholes," Husk stumbled out of a bush towards the group.

"Husker! How are you feeling, my friend?" Alastor earned the finger as the group walks to the next ride.


Each person was given the chance to choose a ride the group should endure, of course they all realised that any rides that had lots of motion was not fit for Husk. One by one each ride was done until finally it was Alastor's turn to pick.

"The haunted Palace!" He declared, pointing at the more than large castle overlooking the park. It looked right out of a horror movie! Guess Hell was good at something.

"Onwards!" You move behind the group and push them towards the ride.

"Do not worry, princessa, I will protect you," Vaggie kissed Charlies cheek making you let out a audible sound of awe.

"God, I'm so glad you two are canon," faking a sniffle, you reach the line.



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I cannot tell you how many plants I have

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I cannot tell you how many plants I have

I actually can't cuz idk

- Anna ❤️

Candy demon: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now