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"shhhh bubba shhh it's ok calm down shhhh" I said to my son mason who has been crying all night

"Come on baby it's ok" I said getting up from the chair I was sitting in and started to walk around abit to see if that would calm him down but it didn't

"Come on masy mommy just wants you to go to sleep shhh" I said as I continued to bob him up and down a little

"Is he alright" I hear a voice behind me I turn around and justin is standing at the door looking sexy as ever

"No I don't know why he won't stop crying and go to sleep I have done everything I feed him, I changed his nappy, I've walked him around the room nothing is working and it's really stressing me out I just need him to go to sleep " I said to justin

"Here pass him to me and I'll try and get him to calm down and you go get some rest babygirl "he said to me while taking mason from my arms

"Aww come here buddy whats all this drama about why are you giving mommy a hard time?" justin said to him

I watched as Justin sat Down in the chair while slightly rocking mason back a forth... a few minutes pasted and mason had finally fallen asleep

"How did you get him to sleep?" I whisper to justin

"He just wanted his daddy" justin said while smiling

"Come on babygirl let go to bed and get some sleep before he starts to cry again "he said while leading me into our bedroom...

Sorry about the wait everyone I know I've been taking a lot if time to update lately I try to write when ever I can just so I can update.... hope you all like this imagine an also did anyone else see justin on the Ellen show where they were in the bathroom trying to scare people I watched it so many time it was really funny and he looked so handsome he always does :)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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