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I hope she was sad because of her personal matter. Let me feels this alone. I can't bear you feel this as I really love you. I'm tired and felt disgusting though. I'm so sorry dear. The feeling of sad and heartbroken in myself. She once be the sun that shining my life brightly until me felt there was still a hope for me . Plus two years equal one decade . On that day, on that time, she was missing. One look away she was lonely. It was me who be the problem maker. It was me who be the bad girl. It was me who never take care of your heart when you gave your trust to me to take care of it. Maybe my fault, my carelessness over me. Feeling hurt, only myself. Tired, just me who felt it. She changed or i'm changed. Changed is one of the hurting way. Am I fucking her crying all the time. Last longer friendship has a lot of challenges . Only those who are brave can take the risk. It is hard to take care of each other's hearts. I'm rather losing my boyfriend than destroy my friendship with her. Relationship of friendship is the second most important relay other than relationship between family members . The one who consoled us when we're heartbroken is our bestie . There are many challenges you need to win in a last longer friendship. Only those who have mental strength can come over it.
Love your friends no matter what. By giving them our love , they will loyal with us. Support your friends . Always together with your friends. You need to find the real friends to have a last longer friendship. 🤓

#remember my words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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