Travel Buddies

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Me and Al had got to the airport with just minutes to spare.
Chris had told us that the plane was to leave at exactly 7:30 and we had found them at Gate 7, at 7:28 with just minutes to spare.
"We...we're here." I gasped, me and Al leaning on each other for support, us having just races across the airport in two minutes flat.

We were being stared at by a small group of people, presumably our travel buddies.
"Oh you two are finally here." Chris drawled, rolling her eyes.
"Ye..yes." Al spluttered, his face red from exertion.
"So, would anyone like any brunch?" Chris asked, turning to face the group.
"What? Chrissy no, the plane leaves in two minutes!" I gasped out, still struggling to breath.
She turned and laughed. "Oh you two silly billies, I only told you we were meeting here at 7:30 because I knew you two would be late." She glared at us, "It seems I was right."
"Christina," I said slowly, "What time does the plane leave?"
She smiled. "At 10:00." She said simply, before turning away, the small group of people started following her, leaving me and Al standing, smoke coming out of both of our ears.

"Who does she think she is!" I exploded.
"Apparently she thinks she's the queen of England." Al spat.
"Two and a half hours!" I shouted hysterically, "Do you know what I could have done in two and a half hours!"
"I'm going to strangle her!" I screamed, running after her and the group.

She was there with the group of her cousins and old friends, waiting for a table at a small cafe in the airport.
I started running after her, but I must've managed to catch the front of my shoe on a table and I was falling, about to fall flat on my face, bracing myself for the impact, but it never came.

Instead, a strong arm wrapped its way around my waist, stopping me from falling.
"I knew I was a ladies man but I never knew you would fall for me this quickly." Someone laughed.
I turned around to look at the person who's arms were still around my waist.
He was gorgeous. He had tanned skin, light blond hair, blue eyes and was freakishly tall, but in a good way.

I realised I had just stood there staring at him, so I broke the tension with a laugh.
He quirked an eyebrow.
Everyone was staring at us.
"Oh Gabriel will you please stop flirting with everyone! And get your bloody hands off her waist!" Chris snapped at him.
He just smiled at me, letting go of my waist but grabbing my hand, leading me over to our group.
"Um hi." I said awkwardly.
"Oh right, I forgot to introduce you to everyone." Gasped Chris, "Everyone this is Leo, Leo Casca. Well okay, Leo you've already met Gabriel." She glared at him, at which he smiled at her. "He's one of my cousins on my fathers side."
"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontre." He said kissing my hand.
"It is a pleasure to meet you." A pretty blonde girl translated in a heavy French accent. "Hi I'm Anastasia, but you can call me Anne. Please excuse my brother, as he thinks he's quite the 'ladies man'."She said, rolling her eyes.

I smiled at her. She seemed nice.
"As you have now met both my siblings I think it is only fair that you meet the best of the three, Hi, I'm Pier." Pier said, reaching out his hand to shake.
I shook it. "So wait, you three are siblings?" I asked, pointing at Gabriel, Anne and Pier.
They all nodded.
"And you all live in Paris?"
"Oh goodness no." Anne laughed, "We're from the South of France, from a little city called Juan-les-Pins. It's on the French Riviera."

I nodded.
There was an awkward silence. Until someone offered me their hand.
"Hi I'm Donavan, Donavan Smith." He said, shaking my hand.
I was in awe. Donavan was gorgeous. He had curly brown hair, and startlingly blue eyes, like ice. He had the body of a god. And he was Australian. His accent gave him away.
"I'm from Sydney Australia."
I nodded, still shaking his hand.

We just kind of stood there, staring at each other. Someone cleared their throat.
"Hi I'm Charlotte, but no one calls me that except for Chrissy here, so please call me Charli." She smiled.
She was hot. There was no other way to put it.

She had long, dirty blonde hair. Grey eyes, and was as tall as a model. She was wearing tiny shorts, and a crop top.
"I'm Donavan's sister." She said smiling.
I grinned at her. "Seems like the only one on this trip without a sibling is me." I smiled.
Everyone laughed.

"Well you've got me." Someone said, hooking their arm around my shoulder.
"Where on earth have you been?!" I asked Al, eyebrows raised.
"Around." He said vaguely, not quite meeting my eyes.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Alexander.." I began.
"Guys! Can we just sit down and have lunch? I'm starving." He said quickly.
I shook my head. "Yeah ok, let's eat."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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