Chapter 6

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"Oh my God! What happened?"

Sam had returned to The Shop later that afternoon. She hobbled in on crutches with Ratt following closely behind. Margaret took one look at her and ran over to help Sam sit on one of the empty chairs. A few of the patrons moved out of the way so Sam could elevate her badly sprained ankle.

"I am fine," she reassured Margaret.

Margaret sat next to Sam as one of the part-time employees, a high school girl named Candy, brought Sam a coffee.

"I fell jogging. I cracked my phone. I am just..." She trailed off as pain returned to her leg. The two Vicodin the doctor had given her was wearing off.

Margaret turned her attention to Ratt.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with anger in her voice.

Sam jumped in before Ratt did.

"I fell in Charming Cemetery. Jax Teller was there. He found me, brought me to St. Thomas. Ratt came and gave me a ride home," Sam said in a rush.

She watched Margaret's eyes react when she said Jax's name. It was the same look that she had when she saw Gemma: hatred and fear.

Sam quickly continued.

"I sprained my ankle. Need to stay off it for two weeks and then I should be good as new."

Sam turned to Ratt.

"Thank you for the ride. Please help yourself to whatever you want. Coffee, cookies, it's on the house."

Ratt smiled and turned to Candy.

"I would love to try your chocolate chip cookies," he said to Candy seductively.

Candy laughed leading him to the cookie case, shaking her butt as he blindly followed.

Sam looked at Margaret and rolled her eyes.

"That girl does not have a brain cell in that pretty blonde head of hers, does she?" Sam asked.

Margaret turned and looked at Candy. She was pulling her shirt down while Ratt's attention was diverted towards the cookies, trying to make her already ample breasts seem bigger.

"Not a one," Margaret replied. She shook her head and turned back to Sam.

Sam giggled and took a sip of her coffee.

"Jax Teller..." Margaret started to say.

Sam cut her off.

"He found me after I fell. Apparently he likes to sleep in cemeteries now a day."

"Tara is there," Margaret said. "She is buried next to his best friend Opie and his wife."

Sam leaned forward and rested the coffee cups between her hands.

"I guess that explains why he was there at 7:30 am."

Margaret looked at Sam with concern. Before she could speak, Sam opened her mouth first.

"Margaret, I promise nothing is or will happen with Jax. After everything I have heard, not only from you, but other people. The nurse at the hospital gave me a play by play of the destruction Jax had caused it other people's lives. I promise, it is all good."

Margaret looked relieved.

Sam sipped her coffee and a small part of hers was wondering if everything really was all good.

Back at the ice cream shop, Jax was looking over the intel Chibs had collected on Samantha Broker. And the intel was boring. She was born in Tampa, went to school had parents and a sister. Moved to Seattle a few years ago, worked for a tech firm, and left about eight weeks ago. The Shop was opened with a small business loan from a bank in Seattle and so far, she was making her payments on time. There was nothing suspicious. She was a regular 32- year old woman with no warrants, restraining orders or anything else that would make one think she was hiding anything.

"Anything in there interesting?" Chibs asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, bro."

Jax throw the file down in front of him.

Chibs sat down next to Jax.

"It's getting late brotha, you want me to follow you home?"

Jax stood up and shook his head.

"No man, I am good."

With that Jax walked out of the room.

"Abel asked for you again today. He wants to know exactly where Heaven is. I don't know what to tell him."

Jax was laying on top of the dirt mound. His hand was resting on the tombstone that was just erected this week. His fingers were constantly tracing the letters, Dr. Tara Knowles-Teller.

"Thomas smiled again. He is cutting some teeth. He cries at night sometimes, at least that is what my mom told me. I know, I should be there, but I just can't yet."

Since he had been let out of prison, Jax has been to the cemetery every night. The first night, he fell asleep at Gemma's. He woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. He does not know why, but had to get out of the house. He had to be close to her. He drove over to the cemetery and collapsed on her grave. As his tears fell on the loose dirt, all he did was sob and apologize.

"I am so sorry babe," Was all he could say. Now he just talks to her like she is there.

"There is a new girl in town. She opened a coffee shop. Margaret works there. She could not go back to St. Thomas since you are not there. Nice place. Abel loves the cookies."

Jax started thinking about Sam. She did not react to him like other people. She had no fear of him. Jax found that comforting and terrifying at the same time. It was almost as if she could see through his bullshit. For a split second he was not thinking of Tara and once he realized it, he felt instantly guilty.

Jax sat up and stared at the headstone. He leaned his forehead on the cool marble, pretending that he was leaning on her forehead. He used to love when they did that. It was always a competition who would pull away first or go in for a kiss. Jax always went in for a kiss. He loved her that much.

"It was a Chinese hit babe. That is why you are not here anymore. I am so sorry," he said to the headstone. Although he has known for weeks who it was that took her away, he could not bring himself to mention it here. Mostly he would just talk about their boys and their memories.

He would give up everything, even SAMCRO for her to answer him back. To tell him that is was OK and that she forgave him. He needed her forgiveness.

Jax wrapped himself in the blanket he brought from home. He has sprayed her perfume on it so he could smell her. He laid back down again on her grave with his hand never leaving her tombstone and fell asleep.

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