Chapter 27

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The sun was rising when Sam left the motel the next morning. They had spent the night in the motel room, eating pizza and telling stories. The boys heard about her ATF career and about how much Abel loved cookies. Jax talked about SAMCRO and of course of Tara. By time they all feel asleep, Sam had hope that her boys would be ok.

After driving for about two hours, Sam turned down the dusty road and pulled up to a house in the middle of nowhere. She parked her car and got out, not bothering to lock it.

Don opened the door and met her on the porch.

"She is pissed you are here." He said.

"I knew she would be."

Don folded his arms.

"Thomas was that out of control?"

Sam nodded her head.

"I think we reined him in though. He now understands."

Sam walked up the porch steps.

"Where is she?"

Don opened the door.

"In her sitting room. The past few days have been rough for her. The pain is getting worse. Her seizure was so bad yesterday; she didn't get out of bed. "

Don and Sam entered the moderately decorated house. Beautiful paintings lined the walls. But missing were any photographs or other pieces of memorabilia.

"Is she really mad at me?"

Don sat down in a chair in the living room.

"Go see for yourself."

Sam watched as Don picked up a newspaper and she followed the hallway to a closed in porch. The sun was warming the room full of more beautiful paintings. Sam saw a woman in the corner painting. The woman's hand shock as she tried to fill in the sun on her canvas. Sam cleared her throat and the woman put down her brush and turned to Sam.

"Hello Tara," Sam said.

After leaving Jax at the cemetery and saying her good bye, Sam drove around and cried until her 8am meeting at Paterson's office. When she arrived, she had just enough time to clean the mascara from her face and pop a piece of gum in her month.

She made her way out of her car and saw Don leaning against his.

"Hey," he said.

"Ok, let's get this over with," she said, starting to walk to the office building.

"Actually, I need you to take a drive with me first."

Sam looked at Don with suspicion.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see."

Don drove Sam out of Stockton and after two hours of twists and turns and back roads, they arrived at a farm house in the middle of nowhere.

Don parked the car and got out. Sam followed.

"What you are going to see here, you will never discuss. You will never tell a soul. Everything that was done, was to protect what is inside of here. Do you understand me?

Sam nodded.

Don opened the front door and led Sam down a long hallway to a closed in porch. A nurse met them at the door.

"She is having a good day today. She is actually happy to meet you Ms. Heading."

The nurse walked back towards the kitchen.

Sam looked at Don.

"Who is happy..?"

Don walked into the room and Sam once again followed.

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