chapter 3 double wedding

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Jackie and Jermaine - pacing back and forth and was nervous a whole lot to be getting happily married to sexybae and Hazel soon
with Normani and Hazel inside of their bride and bridesmaids dressing room
Normani - tells Hazel i'm ready to go be getting happily married to Jackie haz and be part of his family
Hazel - tells Normani i don't even want to go be getting happily married at all manibear
Normani - tells Hazel ok haz you can be sitting comfortable and i will go be getting happily married to Jackie
Hazel - tells Normani okay manibear then go ahead and go be getting happily married to Jackie
Normani - tells Hazel okay haz i will go be getting happily married to Jackie
Sly Stone and Berry Gordy - walking to the bride and bridesmaids dressing room door and was knocking on the bride and the bridesmaids dressing room door
Normani - walking out of the bride and bridesmaids dressing room ready to go be getting happily married
Sly Stone - walking with his daughter and father in law to the chapel
Hazel - walking out of the bride and bridesmaid dressing room and was ready to go be getting happily married to Jermaine
with Normani and Jackie after they was finally married
Jackie - kissing sexybae on the lips and was smirking a lot
Normani - kissing Jackie on the lips and was smirking a whole lot
Next weekend after Normani's pregnant with her and Jackie's baby
inside of the whole wedding chapel of Jermaine and Hazel's wedding
inside of Jermaine and his groom's dressing room
Jermaine - nervous a whole lot
Jackie - walking inside of Jermaine and Jermaine's groom's dressing room where Jermaine was freaking out
Jermaine - tells Jackie i'm glad that Normani finally my sister in law and she's happily married to you and i'm nervous to be getting married to Hazel Gordy
Jackie - tells Jermaine i was nervous to be getting happily married to sexybae but when she was walking out with her dad and grandpa i was stopped being really nervous and the honeymoon was making it all better me and her was swimming naked in the swimming pool and we was having a whole lot of sex in while the swimming pool and in the bedroom
inside of Hazel and her bridesmaids dressing room
Hazel - nervous a whole lot
Normani - walking inside of Haz and the bridesmaids dressing room and was hugging Haz
Hazel - smiling a whole lot and was hugging manibear back
Normani - helps Haz get into her wedding dress
Hazel - hugging manibear back and was smiling a whole lot
Normani - looking at herself and Haz in the mirror and was smiling a whole lot
Hazel - looking at herself and manibear in the mirror and was smiling a whole lot
a knock was coming on Hazel and her bridesmaids dressing room
Jackie and Berry - wanting to come inside of Hazel and the bridesmaids dressing room
Normani - opens haz and the bridesmaids dressing room door
Jackie - pulling sexybae out of the Hazel and the bridesmaids dressing room
Normani - walking out of haz's and the bridesmaids dressing room
Berry - walking inside of his daughter and the Bridesmaids dressing room and was closing his daughter and the bridesmaids dressing room door on Normani and Jackie
With Normani and Jackie in the hallway
Normani - walking to haz and Jermaine's wedding hall where haz and Jermaine's wedding is going to be at
Jackie - kissing sexybae on the lips
Normani - kissing Jackie on the lips
Jackie - smirking a lot
Normani - walking away from Jackie and was walking back to haz and the bridesmaids dressing room and was still smirking a whole lot
Jackie - pulling sexybae back closer to him and was almost ripping his pants and boxers and was almost putting his hard dick that was already hard in sexybae's wet vagina
Normani - walking with Jackie back inside of haz's and the bridesmaids dressing room
Jackie - walking with sexybae inside of Hazel and the bridesmaids dressing room
Inside of Hazel and the bridesmaids dressing room
Berry - sees Normani and Jackie walking inside of Hazel and the Bridesmaids dressing room
Hazel - tells Normani will you please be my maid of honor manibear i don't even want Janet to be my maid of honor since me and her was having a huge argument at Hayvenhurst when you and Jackie was on you guys honeymoon you and lat be getting along with each other
Normani - tells Hazel sure haz i will love to be your maid of honor
Hazel - walking with Normani to the bathroom
inside of Hazel's and the bridesmaids bathroom
Normani - putting the maid of honor dress on and was smiling a whole lot
Hazel - smiling a whole lot
Next year after Siggy was born on June 29 1973 on a wednesday in the morning
Normani - smiling a whole lot since Siggy was finally born and not in her stomach at all
Siggy - smiling a whole lot while sleeping comfortably in his momma's arms
Jackie - smiling a lot since Siggy was finally born and he's allowed to go home with him and sexybae and allowed to sleeping comfortably in his crib
At Hayvenhurst later on that day
Normani and Jackie - arriving at Hayvenhurst
Normani - holding Siggy in her arms and was holding Siggy's baby bag
Jackie - opening the front door of Hayvenhurst for sexybae and him and their baby
Normani - walking inside of Hayvenhurst with Jackie while still holding Siggy in her arms and was seeing haz and Pauline and jan and lat and reb
Hazel - walking to manibear and was almost hugging her
Latoya - walking to Normani and was wanting to be meeting her nephew
Rebbie - does the same thing as Latoya
Normani - tells Hazel and Latoya and Rebbie don't you dare run me over haz and lat and reb i just gave birth to Siggy he's a newborn baby
Hazel - walking to manibear and Jackie and newborn baby Siggy and was smiling a whole lot while looking at baby Siggy in his momma's arms
Latoya and Rebbie - does the same thing as Hazel
Pauline - walking with Janet to Normani and Jackie and newborn baby Siggy with Taj in her arms
Normani - tells Hazel and Pauline and Janet and Rebbie and Latoya you seeing Siggy in my arms haz and Pauline and jan and lat and reb he's sleeping comfortably in my arms and he's a momma's baby
Hazel - tells Normani he such a healthy and adorable manibear
Pauline - tells Normani i know right mani Siggy is a healthy and adorable baby
Latoya - tells Normani true that mani i want to snuggle him can i please move in with you and Jackie
Rebbie - tells Normani he's adorable i want to hold him if that's ok with you
Janet - tells Pauline i have to agree
Normani - tells Hazel and Pauline and Janet and Rebbie and Latoya i know right i'm glad haz and Pauline and jan and reb and lat i'm a momma now to Siggy he's going to get all of my attention not Jackie at all and not anymore and sure reb and jan you guys can hold him and sure lat you can snuggle him and move in with me and Jackie
Jackie - pouting a whole lot at sexybae saying that he isn't going to be getting anymore attention from her and was wanting a whole lot of attention from sexybae and was walking to Tito and Marlon and Michael and Randy and Jermaine and was pointing to sexybae holding Siggy in her arms
Randy - walking to Normani and was wanting to meet his newborn nephew
Normani - gives Siggy to Randy and was smiling a whole lot
Randy - takes Siggy and Taj away from Normani and Pauline and was running away from Normani and Hazel and Pauline and Janet and Rebbie and Latoya
Normani and Hazel and Pauline and Janet and Rebbie and Latoya - moonwalks after Randy for taking Siggy and Taj from Normani and Pauline and was really mad at Randy for taking Siggy and Taj
Jackie - pulls sexybae back next to him
Normani - standing with Jackie
Randy - walking to Normani and Jackie and was handing Siggy to Normani and was handing Taj to Pauline and Tito and was telling Normani and Pauline Siggy was crying a whole lot while in my arms and Taj was joining Siggy in crying a whole lot
Normani - smiling a whole lot while still snuggling Siggy in her arms
Jackie - smiling a lot while standing with sexybae
Next year The Jacksons Goin Places tour at Normani and Jackie's house in Westlake Village California in the morning
Normani - smiling a whole lot while holding Siggy in her arms since he's still a baby if she leaves Siggy with haz and Jermaine Siggy is going to be crying a whole lot and wanting to be with his momma
Latoya - happy that she finally lives with Normani and Jackie
Jackie - doesn't even want to go on the Goin Places tour with his brothers and was wanting to stay home with sexybae and Siggy and Latoya and puppy and sleep comfortably nakedstyle with sexybae in their bed under their blanket
Michael and Marlon and Randy and Tito - tells Jackie come on jackie let's go on the Goin Places tour and go perform on the stage for all of our fans
Jackie - tells Michael and Marlon and Randy and Tito ok michael and marlon and randy and tito i'm coming let me say goodbye to sexybae and our baby and our sister and puppy and then we can leave and go on our Goin Places tour and perform for all of our fans
Michael - tells Jackie ok jackie come on Marlon and Tito let's go wait in the limo for Jackie and Randy
Randy - tells Jackie i'm going to be waiting right here in y'all house jackie and then we are going to be leaving to go on the Goin Places Tour and going to perform for all of the fans
Jackie - tells Randy ok randy
Normani - still holding Siggy in her arms and was smiling a whole lot
Jackie - walking to sexybae and was kissing her on the lips
Normani - kissing Jackie on the lips
Jackie - still kissing sexybae on the lips
Randy - coughing a whole lot
Latoya - doing the same thing as Randy
Normani - hearing Randy and Latoya coughing a whole lot and was pulling back from kissing Jackie on the lips
Jackie - walking with Randy out of his and sexybae's house and was walking to the limo with Randy
Normani - locking her and Jackie's front door and was taking a bubble bath with Siggy and lat and was eating dinner and was going to bed with her and Jackie's baby and lat
the fourth weekend after the Goin Places tour was finally over
Jackie - walking inside of his and sexybae's house from the Goin Places tour
Normani - doing breastfeeding with Siggy inside of her and Jackie's kitchen
Jackie - walking inside of his and sexybae's kitchen
Normani - sees Jackie back home from the Goin Places tour
Jackie - walking to sexybae and was kissing her on the lips
Normani - kissing Jackie on the lips
Jackie - still kissing sexybae on the lips
Normani - walking with lat out of her and Jackie's kitchen and was taking Siggy to his bedroom
Jackie - follows sexybae and Latoya upstairs to Siggy's bedroom
Inside of Siggy's bedroom
Normani - putting Siggy in his crib
Latoya - walking to her bedroom and was going to sleep comfortably in her bed
Jackie - walking with sexybae out of Siggy's bedroom
Inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom
After Normani and Jackie was having a whole lot of sex in their bed under their blanket in their bedroom
Normani - sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with Jackie in their bed under their blanket
Jackie - sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with sexybae in their bed under their blanket
Next year in 1984
Jackie - walking with Paula Abdul after going on their double dates with Jermaine and Courtney Williams and was dropping her off at home and was going home to his and sexybae's house
At Normani and Jackie's house in Westlake Village California
Normani - eating dinner with Siggy and Brandi and Lat at her and Jackie's family kitchen table
Jackie - walking inside of his and sexybae's house and was seeing sexybae with long dark blue hair and dark blue bangs and long nails and was smirking a lot
Normani - sees the older one finally home and was smirking a whole lot and was leaving her and Jackie's house and was going to Hayvenhurst and was writing some new songs with mike and Randy called Torture and Body and one more chance and Wait and The hurt and be not always and we can change the world and State of shock
Jackie - walking inside of Hayvenhurst and was seeing sexybae and Michael and Randy working on a brand new album and was walking to them and was helping them write the new album name
Normani - tells Randy and Michael and the older one how about Victory Ran and mike and the older one as the brand new album name
Michael - tells Normani i have to be agreeing mani with what you was saying
Jackie - tells Michael i have to be agreeing with what sexybae was saying
Next weekend on the Victory Tour
Paula - sitting comfortable with Jackie backstage since Carol was driving back and was backing into Jackie's leg and Normani was beating her up and Jackie was pulling sexybae off of her and was checking over Paula to see if she was alright
Jackie - sitting comfortable with Paula backstage since Carol was backing into his leg for cheating on her cousin with Paula
On the stage
Michael - smiling a whole lot while singing on the stage
Normani - standing behind her microphone stand and was still smirking a whole lot and was singing with Michael and Hazel and Randy and Tito and Marlon and Jermaine and was being really nice to randy
Jackie - wanting sexybae really bad and was pointing to his hard dick budge
Next year in 1985
Quincy Jones - wanting Normani and Jackie and Marlon and Hazel and Randy and Tito and Michael and Latoya and Tina Turner and Diana Ross and Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles and Lionel Richie and Al Debarge and Shelia e and Smokey Robinson in we are the world
Michael - doesn't even go to the music video awards at all
Normani - doesn't even want to go with Jackie to the movie theatres and go home and go have a whole lot of sex with Jackie at home
Jackie - standing with sexybae and Michael and Lionel Richie
Michael - practicing we are the world with Lionel Richie and Emmanuel Lewis and Normani and Jackie
Randy - arriving with Eliza at we are the world set for the music video and was smiling a whole lot at Lionel Richie and Michael and Emmanuel Lewis and Normani and Jackie standing with each other
Jackie - starts kissing sexybae's neck and sweet spot
Normani - looking away from Jackie
Jackie - still doing the same thing to sexybae
Next year in 1986
Michael - asking Quincy to be helping him write his new album called Bad and was asking Normani to sing in a song with him called i just can't stop loving you
Hazel - happy that it's the Billboards and was seeing the Jacksons sitting comfortable with each other
Normani - sees haz and lat and jan and reb and was walking to them and was hugging them
Hazel - hugging manibear back
Jackie - pouting a whole lot at sexybae leaving him to go sit comfortable with hazel
Next year in 1987
Michael - happy that he finally gets to go on his own tour without his brothers and his 2 sisters in laws and Joseph and didn't even want to be part of the family drama at all between him and his brothers and was happy that he and his favorite sister in law was writing a song called i just can't stop loving you to practice it with each other
Normani - standing with haz and Jackie and Jermaine and Tito and Randy and Marlon and Michael and didn't even want to be part of the family drama and was happy that she's singing a song with mike called i just can't stop loving you
Hazel - standing with Normani and Jackie and Marlon and Randy and Tito and Jermaine and Michael and didn't even want to be part of the family drama
Normani - rubbing her pregnant stomach
Jackie - hugging sexybae from behind and was rubbing her pregnant stomach and was wanting sexybae in 2 songs called 2300 Jackson Street and if you only believe
Michael - smiling a whole lot while standing with his 2 favorite sister in laws
Pauline - pulling Taj and Taryll and Tj with her and Normani and was smiling a whole lot
Randy - seeing his 2 favorite sisters in laws and was smiling a whole lot
Next year in 1988 at Normani and Jackie's house in Las Vegas Nevada
Normani - still rubbing her pregnant stomach
Jackie - starts kissing sexybae's neck and sweet spot and pregnant stomach
Normani - looking away from Jackie and was still smirking a whole lot
Jackie - still doing the same thing to sexybae and was smirking a lot
Normani - moonwalks away from Jackie in their bedroom and was walking downstairs to their living room
Jackie - follows sexybae downstairs to their living room and was having a whole lot of sex with sexybae on their sofas in their living room
Next year on April 16th in 1988 after Nalani was finally born
Jackie - smiling a lot at Nalani sleeping comfortably in sexybae's arms
Siggy and Brandi - laying with their momma in their parents bed under their blanket
Jackie - joining sexybae and their babies and puppies in laying in their bed under their blanket and was snuggling sexybae
Katie - bringing gifts inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom for Nalani since she was born since Normani was wanting to do water birth and not go to the hospital at all
Hazel - walking with Randy inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom and was smiling a whole lot while at the sight of Nalani laying with her parents and brother and sister and puppies in her parents bed
Jermaine - walking inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom with gifts for Nalani
Siggy - still snuggling with his baby sissy and his momma
Normani - still snuggling Jackie and their babies and puppies
Jackie - still snuggling sexybae and their babies and puppies
Jermaine - seeing his newborn niece and was wanting to hold her
Jackie - handing Nalani to Jermaine
Jermaine - holding Nalani in his arms
Nalani - starts crying a whole lot while in her uncle Jermaine's arms
Normani - takes Nalani from Jermaine and was snuggling her
Jackie - still snuggling with sexybae and babies and puppies in their bed
Michael - walking inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom with a whole lot of roses for mani and a teddy bear for Nalani
Normani- sees her favorite Jacksons member and was putting the whole lot of roses in a base and was handing Nalani her teddy bear
Michael - takes Nalani from mani and was holding her
Nalani - doesn't even cry a whole lot while in her uncle michael's arms
Jermaine - tells Normani and Jackie can Nalani please spend the night with Autumn and JJ and Jaimy and Jermy and Jourdyn they want to see her and hold her and play some baby toys with her
Jackie - tells Jermaine nope Nalani can not spend the night at your house since she's a newborn baby and me and sexy don't want her to meet her cousins yet we let them meet her when she's one years old
Normani - tells Jermaine why don't you bring you and Haz's children over and let them be here for the weekend and let them meet their newborn cousin since you and Hazel are not with each other anymore and i'm happy that Haz dating Randy
Randy - smiling a whole lot while standing with Hazel since she's his prettiest gf and they are dating
Jackie - giving sexybae a pouty face at sexybae telling Jermaine to bring his children over to meet their newborn niece
Jermaine - tells Normani that's a really great idea mani
Next weekend
Autumn - pushes her uncle Jackie in the swimming pool
Jackie - getting pushed into the swimming pool by Autumn and was pouting a whole lot
Jermy - laughing a whole lot at his uncle Jackie getting pushed in the swimming pool
Normani - joining Jermy and Jourdyn and Autumn and Jaimy and JJ and Dawn and Siggy and Brandi in laughing a whole lot at Jackie getting pushed in the swimming pool
Nalani - sleeping comfortably in her crib
Normani - walking upstairs to Nalani's bedroom
Jackie - walking with sexybae upstairs to Nalani's bedroom
Normani - joining Nalani in sleeping comfortably
Jackie - joining sexybae and Nalani in sleeping comfortably and was wanting sexybae really badly

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