1989 the Jacksons

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Jermaine and Jackie and Tito - goes on a Spanish TV show called En S'abado in Spain and was performing on the Spanish TV show called En S'abado in Spain for a whole lot of the fans and Randy couldn't even be with them since he was getting happily married to Hazel and Hazel was giving birth to Randy Jr and Genevieve which are their babies
in Las Vegas Nevada at Normani and Jackie's house
Normani - sleeping comfortably with Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte in her and Jackie's bed under their blanket and was full from eating dinner with her and Jackie's babies and a lot of puppies
At Pauline and Tito's house in Los Angeles California
Pauline - eating the dinner that she was making for dinner with Taj and Taryll and Tj
Tito - opens his and Pauline's front door and was tired from performing on the Spanish TV show called En S'abado in Spain
Back at Normani and Jackie's house in Las Vegas Nevada
Jackie - opens his and sexybae's front door and was tired from performing on En S'abado in Spain and was walking upstairs to his and sexybae's bedroom with Jermaine
Inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom
Normani - still sleeping comfortably with Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte in her and Jackie's bed under their blanket
Jackie - opens his and sexybae's bedroom door and was seeing sexybae and Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Raymond and Angelicia and Charlotte sleeping comfortably in their bed under their blanket and was joining sexybae and Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte in sleeping comfortably nakedstyle in their bed under their blanket
Jermaine - joining Normani and Jackie and Siggy and Brandi and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte in sleeping comfortably in Normani and Jackie's bed in Normani and Jackie's blanket
Jackie - snuggling sexybae and their babies and Jermaine in their bed under their blanket
Normani - snuggling Jackie and Nalani and Jarett and and Angelicia and Charlotte in their bed under their blanket
Jermaine - walking out of Normani and Jackie's bedroom with Siggy and Brandi and was walking to the guest bedroom while Siggy and Brandi was walking to their bedrooms and was going to sleep comfortably in their own beds under their own blankets
Normani - still sleeping comfortably with Jackie and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte in their bed under their blanket
Jackie - still sleeping comfortably with sexybae and Nalani and Jarett and Angelicia and Charlotte in their bed under their blanket
Next morning at Normani and Jackie's house in the morning at 7:00am
Normani - wakes up from sleeping comfortably with Jackie and Nalani and Angelicia and Charlotte in their bed under their blanket and was walking downstairs to her and Jackie's kitchen and was making breakfast for everyone
Jackie - follows sexybae downstairs for breakfast in their kitchen
Jermaine - walking downstairs for breakfast
Nalani - takes her first steps down the stairs
Next weekend on the set of 2300 Jackson Street
The Jacksons - smiling a whole lot while in 2300 Jackson Street the music video
Janet - smiling a whole lot while holding her newborn niece
Nalani - crying a whole lot while in her auntie Janet's arms in 2300 Jackson Street the music video
Normani - hearing Nalani crying a whole lot and was taking Nalani from Janet's arms and was holding her
Nalani - stops crying a whole lot while in her momma's arms
Jackie - smiling a lot while looking at sexybae and their babies in 2300 Jackson Street the music video
Normani - standing with Tito and Randy while still holding Nalani in her arms and was smiling a whole lot
Hazel - smiling a whole lot while in 2300 Jackson Street the music video
Genevieve - starts crying a whole lot
Hazel - holding Genevieve in her arms
Genevieve - stops crying a whole lot while in her momma's arms
Randy - smiling a whole lot since his and Hazel's daughter a momma's girl
Hazel - smiling a whole lot since Genevieve is a momma's daughter
Normani - tells Hazel i'm glad me and you got daughters and sons that are momma's girls and boys and they love to be with us all of the time and they be crying a whole lot when we be leaving them by themselves
Hazel - tells Normani i know right manibear you are absolutely really right about that and you know me and you are still happily married to Randy and Jackie and got babies and puppies with them and we don't be arguing with them at all
Jackie - hearing what sexybae and Hazel are talking about
Randy - hearing what Jackie hearing
Jackie - tells sexybae what about me sexy i'm your hubby and you know you love my dick and love me a whole lot and being lovely dovely and romantic to me and i be lovely dovely and romantic to you
Normani - tells Jackie true that hubby you know you are really right about that and you know we love being naked
Hazel - tells Normani let's ignore Jackie and Randy and let's be talking about random boys that can be taking us out on dates and having a good time with them
Normani - tells Hazel that's not gonna be happening for me haz sorry but i still want to be happily married to Jackie and i got a whole lot of babies and a lot of puppies with him
Hazel - tells Normani your not the only one manibear

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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