'Evolution vs. Creation,' and its Relativity to Science.

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There are 3 pillars that prove whether or not a subject can be considered Scientific. These are Reproducibility, Testability, and Falsifiability.

Reproducibility: It must be possible to reproduce the topical event, with similar results each time. Creation cannot be reproduced (within the laws of Physics), and nor can Evolution. Creation is based on the Axiom that the Bible is true, no matter what. This would mean that the same God who would have created the laws of Physics, etc. would be able to bend and break them.

Evolution is based on the Axiom that the universe is billions of years old, though that cannot be proven or disproven (just as the existence of God). Evolution has not been reproduced in our recorded history. We have learned new things, but we are not born as apes, nor have we grown tails, extra arms, etc. neither can be reproduced.

Testability: In order to be scientific, it must be able to be experimented (on). The “Origin of Species” cannot be experimented on. Because the Theory of Evolution cannot be reproduced, it cannot be experimented on. There is not enough data from a single “test”. The same can be said for Creation. It cannot be experimented on. No one has invented entire Universes as far back as history can recall. The only example of that is in “Genesis” of the Bible - again, the only foundation of Creation. No Big Bangs have happened lately, and new universes haven’t “accidentally” been created. No room for experimentation on either account.

Falsifiability: It must be able to be disproven. This does not mean it cannot be true. It simply means there must be a process that would be able to prove it false if the hypothesis is false. Creation cannot be disproven, as no one was present at the time of the event. The same can be said for Evolution. No man has ever seen an ape turn into, or give birth to, a human (and vice versa). Thus, neither side can be either proven or disproven.

This concludes one thing. The age-old “scientific” debate of “Creation vs Evolution” is not even scientific in itself. It’s purely philosophical. “On the Origin of Species” is how we remember Darwin’s book. However, the full title was actually, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” Something to note: the two words, “Favoured Races.” This means that only certain races should be allowed to be preserved. Question is: Who gets to decide which race lives and which ones die? It wasn’t Hitler, and it COULDN’T be God, as the latter would disprove the entire goal of his Theory: to disprove the existence of an All-Powerful Being.

Creation also has interesting characteristics that lead to arguments. Those who agree fully with the theory argue against Evolution: “If the universe was created by a Big Bang, then what started the “explosion?” Usually, the reply: “A collision between Light and Dark matter.” Creationist: “Then what created those types of matter?” No reply.

This also works in the inverse. Evolutionist: “Where do you think we came from?” Creationist: “Easy. God created us in His image.” E: “And who created God?” C: “No one. He always existed.” E: “Then why can’t Light and Dark matter have existed before the dawn of time?” No reply.

There will never be a truly conclusive “debate” on the argument regarding the origin of the universe. At any rate, who’s to say the world wasn’t created last Thursday, along with all of our memories of it? It cannot be proven or disproven. That is what separates the entire subject from Science, and throws it into the world of Philosophy. Funny how an esteemed scientist, Stephen Hawking, wrote on page 5 of his book, “The Grand Design”, “Traditionally, these are questions for Philosophy, but Philosophy is dead.” Yet, even scientists who hold him up with high esteem cannot avoid the lure of the topic. After all, you are reading this article, aren’t you? No one can resist the lure of the questions: “Where did we come from, and why are we here?”

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