3 - Irritable.

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People often found it rather odd,
That you- the most irritable person in the neighbourhood,
Found your way to being friends with
A little ball of sunshine, bouncy, bubbly and giggly.
I've never heard them use any other word for you,
Just 'that irritable one', 'the irritable kid' and such-
Which makes me wonder.

Has anybody ever seen you? Behind closed doors, I mean.
When your eyes sparkle with fresh tears from laughing so hard,
At the simplest things- Like when a cat meows in an odd way,
When your cheeks flush red with improperly hid embarrassment
When you slip on your words and have to bite your tongue,
Or- my personal favourite- when I try so hard to get your attention,
And you do that... thing, again, where you look at me- 
You smile, you tilt your head just enough,
You walk right over. You don't even hesitate-
You pull me in and you hug me tight.

I don't see the 'irritable' person people talk about,
I see a hopeless romantic,
Who enjoys studying to the sound of fire crackling.
I see a dedicated friend,
Who would skip anything important to be by my side.

You've never lost your patience with me.
Not even when the world feels too heavy.
You just hug me, or even sit with me in silence if I ask for you to- or even just signal!
And you stay.
You always stay.
You're not irritable at all, are you?
You just don't want to be seen the wrong way.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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