1 - Tissue.

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Thin spirals of almost see-through paper cling to any surface they can grasp, sliding down too far until their weight alone pulls them off. The tissue was so weak, so simple, but Gods was it gorgeous.
Restless hands untangle the loops of white sheets cascading the ever-shrinking room that was dimly lit by a single candle.
Despite it being a flame, the candle somehow burned cold, wisps of smoke shapeshifting effortlessly into ice, falling down upon the ground sprinkled with shards of water that had seen beyond, cracking into more pieces of human desire.
Those same restless hands pause, the eyes behind them freeze at the sight of the fractured glaciers that lay beneath them. The same eyes that had watched as that tissue fell now seemed shocked by the aftermath, the mouth of that muddled face opening as if to scream,
But again, tissue fell.
Tissue fell as both a blindfold and a gag, silencing the embodiment of rage and whispering in the voice that hadn't even begun to exist,
Mocking them.
Rhetorical questions that had yet to be asked had been thrown into the face of a coward who had no method of response, but even if they could talk,
Not a single sound would come out.
The room reached its final size, with every single drop of ice melting against the warmth of the hands, any remaining shards slicing at the skin. The distorted mouth shut, the jaw clenching in pain and the eyes squinting- no longer able to see the room.
They were left unaware of the state of the 4 walls that captured them, the liquids and the tissue fighting each other like cat and dog, chunks of tissue floating in the rising water levels of the room until eventually,
The watcher is left, floating in a room entirely populated by water with almost entirely destroyed paper occasionally floating past.
Holding their breath and incapable of breathing, despite their blind and gag being removed steadily by the waves.
Now they choose to stay silent and lack sight, because to them, that room is an everlasting landscape of tissue and shattered dreams.
They die, and their body simply floats there- until soon the room expands again, only for another naive soul to toss a coin to the tissue machine.

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