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walking alongside hyuka to the lockers, i can't help but notice about how comfortable the silence is.

we're simply basking in each others presence, it's a wonderful feeling.

i look over at him slightly, noticing him fidgeting with his hands.




i sigh and grasp his hand, he bolts his head around surprisedly trying to process what just happened.

"you were fidgeting too much..." i mope quietly.

he gives me a charming smile, as always,

"guess i'll have to fidget more often then, hm?"

i chuckle at the funny way his brain works

"guess so."

i tighten my hold on his hand and walk with more power, benefiting from our shared energy.

"you were pretty tired today"

"you think?" i say with a tinge of sarcasm in my voice

"late night?"



i wait a bit before looking up at him expectedly

"aren't you going to nag me for staying up so late?"

he laughs softly

"no, i can never go to sleep early, it would be quite hypocritical, wouldn't it?"

"pfft, yeah, you're right, but that's not going to stop me from being a hypocrite! why are YOU staying up so late, mister?!!"

hyuka gives me a small tight smile before tapping the side of his nose twice to call out my curiosity, before giggling and running off shouting

"come catch me!!!"

"arghhahh!!! huening kai you're such a child!!!!"

love is a strange thing. it has some people writing elegant love poems, some people making sweet melodies on their dusty piano, and me?

well i'm chasing my lover down the halls, making everyone who feels the gust of motion blowing past them look at us irritably, last week, i would have been mortified, i wouldn't have even partook!

but this time, i don't care.

i feel so high.

it feels like..

it feels like hyuka and i are the only ones on the planet right now.

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