Chapter 2

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(Y/N) POV:

"Are we there yet?" Megumin muttered as she clinged onto my shoulders while dribbling on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and stopped looking around the open field I had dragged Megumin around for nearly four hours. "It would be nice to know where 'there' is."

Megumin waved her hand effortlessly in a single direction mumbling, "Axel."

I instantly drop Megumin on the ground making her grunt as she landed on her back. "Axel? Axel?! You're fucking kidding me?! I can't go to Axel!"

Megumin who was lying with her face against the ground was talking while coughing on the dirt. "Why not?"

I lift Megumin's head making her look at my face. "In case you forgot my dear arch-wizard I'm one of the damn devil king's generals. If I'm seen in town, I'm as good as dead. Everyone and their mother wants me dead. You're sending me to my death and I'm not going to let that happen."

Megumin's face fell back to the ground as she coughed on the dirt. I stood up and began to walk off only for Megumin to lightly tug at my leg. "No wait don't go."

I turned around and pressed my foot on Megumin's head lightly, not enough to actually hurt her though. I scoffed as I looked at her. "You know you're not very smart my little Megumin. You just gave yourself up to one of the most powerful arch-wizards of all time thinking stupid explosion magic could beat me."

"Explosion magic isn't stupid. It's the best kind of magic. It's the only magic I will learn" Megumin stated.

I laugh. "Pretty shitty magic spell to be honest with you. Can't use it indoors or in dungeons and when you use it, you just flop over with no energy left." I stand up and open my cloak to reveal a large staff with stone snakes wrapped around the entire staff with a huge red crystal at the end. "Let me show you a real explosion." I place my staff on the ground as I begin to mumble to myself. "Oh, blackness shrouded in light, frenzied blaze clad in night, in the name of the crimson demons, let the collapse of thine origins manifest, summon before me the root of thy power hidden within the lands of the kingdom of demise! Explosion!" Vibrant colors pierce the night sky as large symbols cover the land. Each one lights up as rays of explosion decimate the land before me. There was nothing left of the small location I chose to destroy. I stumbled back a bit using a lot of mana up but I was still standing. I sit down next to Megumin and smirk. "That there is an explosion."

Megumin lifts her head up, her cheeks were extremely red. "Teach me your ways. Teach me the ultimate explosion like you demonstrated there."

I flick her nose and sigh. "Did you not listen to anything I just said. This little party we had going is over. I'm going to go back to my castle and you're going to that town you were blabbering on about and forget we ever met. Be glad I let you live."

I stand up and begin to walk off while rolling my eyes and grumbling to myself. "Wait! Please (Y/N)! No one else will have me."

"That's your fault for picking such a stupid magic trick!" I shout while not looking back. I kept walking and for some reason, I was feeling more and more guilty. Megumin's plea soon became more quiet and quiet as I distanced myself from her. I eventually stopped and looked over my shoulder to see Megumin still lying on the ground. I let out one giant groan as I ripped off my cloak and threw it on the floor. I took off my crest symbolizing my allegiance to the devil king. "I had always hated that prick anyway" I chuckled to myself. I threw it on the ground and walked back over to Megumin. "Let's clear one thing right now. We are not friends. Not even slightly. You don't like me and I in the hell don't like you. We are simply working together due to both of us being outcasts. I'll join your party. But on one condition. As soon as you find another party, I leave. I will be gone, you got that?"

Megumin shook her head really quickly. "Yep. Yep. Yep. Understood."

I turned. "Good now come on we have to get to Axel."

I begin to walk off before Megumin calls out again. "(Y/N) carry me!"

"I've already carried you for three hours straight, I'm done with that shit. Walk yourself" I order.

Megumin plants her face in the ground. "Thank you."

I freeze and glimpse over my shoulder. A slight smile finds itself over my face. I chuckle. "You know Megumin, I can see this being the start of something special."

Forging My Own Path (Konosuba X Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt