6 months later to the day

15 1 1

"Erin," I said concerned, "are you okay?"

I closed my laptop and heard Erin's acrylic nails tap against the table.

"Yeah," she sighed.

I stood up, put my laptop down and went over to her.

"No your not!" I said wrapping my arms around her and hugging her. "I remember you telling me how much fun you had with Callum that day,"

I could see she was in a deep thought and her eyes began to fill with water.

"It was perfect... I remember when James asked you out, you were so excited."

"Yeah. Why are boys so difficult, love sucks!" I mumbled under my breath. "Are you ready for the photo shoot?" I asked changing the subject.

Erin and I became models when we were young, thirteen and sexy. I suspect the reason agencies love us is because we are twins, a like in every way but not identical. Erin ran upstairs then cane back down and we left for our train.

It was hectic traveling to central London. The trains were filled with old germy homeless people. Our hair and make up was done beautifully as always. Her hair straight and down and mine curly and down. At the studio we strutted around in front of the green screen with special effects Like a huge fan blowing in our hair. Erin and I modeled for famous brands like Hollister and jack wills but we were never recognized on the street.

On our way home we stopped off at nandos... We weren't the type of girls who only ate cotton wool, we were just naturally thin, and we took advantage of it.


"Erin!" I yelled from the bathroom. "Bring me a towel!"

She came running in and handed me a towel.

"What's wrong?!" she cried.

"I have had an idea!"

She looked at me confused.

"We are going on holiday!"

Her eyes brightened up and smiled.

"Are you serious?!" She screamed in excitement.

"A holiday full if singles so we can forget about, you know who."

"Oh, I'm not sure," she said hastily.

"I will also be good for our career," I compromised, "we'll be filmed."

"I don't know, I'm not sure I'm over Callum,"

"I know that your not over him and that's why this holiday is perfect."


I wrapped my arms round her and squeezed her tightly.

"Start packing we leave tomorrow." I whispered in her ear.

love takes time - by bethWhere stories live. Discover now