Chapter 3: The Flight

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Light boarded the ricktety plane with uneasy. He was unsure how suhc a machine would safely get them to France, but Sakuya and Hitoshi-san wer the kind of people who thought starting a fire in the science lab was a good idea, so they cealry didnt care much aboyt safety. Hitoshi-san went up to the Cokc pit and Sakuya stood at teh front of the plane. Light took the onlu opem seat, which was next to Sebastin Micaleis. Sebastian was one of those weird emo students who kept claiming they're a demon and constantly drawing pentagrams on their hands and showiong inhuman strenght and jumoign up an entire flight of stairs without touching a single stair. Okay maybe there was something to his demon claim, but Light didnt believe in such thigns.

"so where is the crew>>: Light asked Seabstian.

"They are the crew," Sebastian said as he gestured towards Hitoshi-san struggling to put on the pilots jacket and Sakua was getting the demonstration gear from the overhead compartment/

"Oh god help us," Light muttered under his breath

"You have a iteral demon sitting next to you,' Sebastian childed, "I will do more help than any god."

"Whatever," Light said as he treid to remember if his will was in order.

"hELLO ALL!!!" Sakuya said from the front of the plane. .Hitoshi-san had gone into the cokcpick and the engines started revving up. "I hope you boy s have all had a GLORIOUS day today!!! Today we are fliying to France!!! The city of LOVE!!! This is an all expenses paid trip by me because of my glorious record labels plase check out ME in the Mirror and Legend of Sexy on your favorite streaming app!!!" Sakuya went on abot hs wealth and succes for a long while until he vaguely pointed to the safety props. "And we won't be needed any of thse babies, but its safety protocol. LIfejacket- if you dont kno whow to use it youre good as dead anywas. Oxygen masks- you literlal just breath fucknugget. If you can't see the emergency exits then please get your vision checked!!!! :D"

Light wasnt surprised that his was how the trip was turning out so far, he kew it was going to be rough when he learned that Sakuya nad Hitoshi-san had planned it. The engines jostled the plane fowards.

"I should mention that; the old man I bought this plane from was in no way an engineer and was possibly banned form making aircrafts but he constructed thi is secret- but that makes it all the more exciting!!!" Sakuya said as the plane bursted forward and up into the air. Everyone waz pressed into their seats, everone excpet Sebasitna, who was eleganely enjoying his tea while everyone was almost dying form the amount of Gs they were experiencing. It owuld ave been such a shame if Light died during take off, millions of poepe would have been saved in the futue if that had happned, But I digress. Light wished that he could have looked back to make sure that his crush was alright, he knew that he had a fear of gusty wind and fast speeds- he had a large fear of almost anythgnta that could disrupt his tupee; but alas, the force was too grat and he could only hope that hi crush was laright.

After a short enternity, the plane leveled out and Sakuya went on the intercom again. "Well boy howdy pardners that wasnt nearly as rouguh as I thought it would have been!!!" SOmeone threw an empty bottle of bubbles towards Sakuya, which he easily dodged, "Why thank you for the bubbles random human!! oh- its empty. for shame. ANYWHOOOOO we're at cruising altitude, so feel free to roam aboutt he cabin as you deem wrothy!!! and Kars, no pirahans alright, we dont want to go flying into a volacno althoguh that does sound quite fun!!!!" Sakuya clicked off of the intercom.

After hsi announcement, Everyone tured around to look at kars, a menancing purple haired god of fitness. "What??" Kars said with a shrug, "Ive quite forgotten how to do that so if theres any danger on this fligt its from either the bathroom or the pilot" Kars had a point, Light didnt thin that Hitoshi-san had ever taken any fligt lessons and he was more than a little nervous to knw what was happening in the cokcpick. (my asexulity is showing i can't properly type cokcick kdlaslkf.) Thre was screaming, suddne changes in altitude, a barrol rol at one point, and many many alarms going off.

After a hellishly long eternly Sakuta came back on the intercom. "Weve made it to glrious France!!! I will totally sneak you wine and baguettes as you so desire- but make sure to stck togehet since none of us know Frence except maybe Tamaki, but I dont think any of us would trust him with our lfie!!! Be free an d viva la gays!!!!!" Sakuya finished just as the plane went into a steep nosedive.

 "that wasnt' supposed to hapepn" Hitoshi-san said from the cokcpit. The plane leveled out slightly. Light felt like he was on a rollercoaster of death instead of a plane. Hitoshi-san rapidly pushed a bunch of buttons, and in doing so he accidencaly pushe on the pilot's intercjom. ".... wait waht does this button do???nya>>" 

The entire cabin screamed in unison as no one ever wants to hear "what does this bbutton do??" Sudeenly there was a large jerk coming form the top of the plane, and the decen slowed and evened out. Everyone went silent, and those unfornatate to have winow seats looked up out of them. FOr some reason the plane had a large parachute on the top of it and that was what had saved them. The cabin erupted into cheers and a champage bottle went off in the distance. Light wanted to get out of hisi seat to give his crush a large hug, thankful that the two of them were alive, but he didnt trust the paracute enough to get up quite yet.

The plan e made contant with the ground and softly tilted to the side. They had survived. Light wasnt sure how, it defied all llogic, but they did. Crowds of students went ot hug Hitoshi-san. Hitoshi-san's boyfriend, BOkutachi-san, fended off the crwods.

"He's my boyfriend!!!" Bokutachi-san said as he waved a bug stick around, "Only I get to hug hum."

Light collapsed on the ground, huffing and panting, thankful he was alive. He remained there for a couple munutes until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright??" said the person. Light didn't feel like talking to anyoen, but then he looked up and saw.... Donald Trump's smiling face. Light felt his heart skip a few beats as he treid to think how to reply.

"Uuh yeah sure!! I am now- i mean yes" Light stumbled over his words as his brain raced to comprhend what just happnee.d

"I wanted to make sure you were alright, I had to sit next to Levi Ackerman who kept death glaring me and it was very not epic."

"Well It appears everyone made it out alright....."Light said softly. He wasnt sure what else to say.

"ALRIGHT FUCKERS!!!" Sakuya said on top of the wreackage, "LOOKS LIKE OUR PLANE IS TOTALY FUCKED!! which is qutie alright, it wasnt; interesting enough an we'd need a better way home to end the trip on a high note!!!" Light was actaully thankful that Sakuy a had interupted them, he would hate to have Donald thinking that he was awkward or something. He was dreading whatever death machine Sakuya had in mind for their return trip, but that was seven days away, deven days that he could maybe go on a date with Donald..... 

I'm honestly really enjoying writing this!!! I hope you've enjoyed it so far!!! - 🤠

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