It's all gonna be okay.

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TW: Suicidal thoughts and self-harm.

For so long my brain has been engulfed by darkness. Completely, helpless to the thoughts that consumed my being; making me feel as if...ending it all was the only way to silence them once and for all.

I felt so lonely, worthless, unloved, and like a huge disappointment. I didn't understand the whirlwind going on in my head. I just knew that I couldn't take anymore of was all too confusing and painful.

I wanted the self-destruction and brokenness to disappear. I didn't want to live another day.

So, I made a plan. A plan that seemed perfect. A plan that seemed like it would lead to peace. And all became too much. I couldn't contain the pain that shriveled my existence.

So, I told somebody that I trust. And it was absolutely terrifying. I didn't know how they would take it. I didn't know what would come beyond that moment.

And what came after that surprised me. Once, I started opening up about my pain and what was behind my thoughts and actions it...helped. It wasn't easy. It was nowhere near simple.

Opening up about something so...dark and painful took a lot of work. But I am getting through it. I am working towards making a better life for myself. Because I deserve it. I deserve to be happy and live.

And so do you.

Being so hopeless that you want to end your life...well that's serious. It feels extremely lonely. And if anybody tells you that you are overreacting...they are so wrong.

Because you know what? You are SO much more then what other people think of you. You are SO much more then all of the negativity that tears you down every single day. You are SO much more then your past, no matter how many mistakes you have made.

And this "never-ending" pain. It stops. It does. Though, it doesn't feel like it. Because, negativity and darkness is blinding you from the light ahead. The light that is so close.

So, many people love you. You are here for a reason. And you have so much left to do. So many lives to change. So many beautiful days to live. So many goofy things to experience. So many laughs to share. So much music to listen and sing along to.

I'm not saying that the road to recovery is easy or a short journey. There will be hard days; days where you feel like you are right back where you started. But you are strong. If you are still standing (even if you are holding on by a thread) even after everything that you have gone through. YOU ARE STRONG. And you are so brave. Even in your weakest moments.

Life is sucky, I will admit. But it also has so much to offer. You have to go through the storm to experience and appreciate the bliss of a rainbow.

All of the problems that you face are only temporary. Every single one of them. And suicide? Well, that is permanent. There is no coming back.

Now, I want you to take a minute and imagine the person that you love the most.

Imagine everything about them. Their laugh, their voice, their characteristics, their warmth. Everything that makes them themself. Everything that you adore about them.

Now imagine if that was taken away. You could never hear their voice again. You could never see that smile. You could never hear their heartbeat. You could never hug them again.

Everything is gone.

Painful, huh?

Now imagine those who care about you. This is how they would feel if you died. Everything that they adore about you would be gone.

You matter. You are so much more then what you are going through.

You are going to get through this. I promise. No matter how dark life gets. It gets better.

There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dark.

Yeah, I know that these lines of insparation are corny and unbelievable. But take it from somebody who has experienced it. It does get better. I promise.

If you were contemplating taking your life or self-harming, this is a sign not to.

This is a sign to live.

I love you all so much. And I am so proud of you. You are going to make it through this. You are so strong and brave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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