Chapter 1. First Day of School

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Marinette P.O.V

    My alarm rang for the third time that morning.
“Marinette!” my mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned and slowly got out of bed turning off my alarm for the final time. I hated waking up for the first day of school. It was just a horrible reminder of another summer past and gone. And this last one had been the best yet. I had been able to spend most of it with my best friends Alya, Nino and Adrien. I’ve been friends with Alya and Nino for two years, since we met on the first day of tenth grade at Francois Dupont High School. But Adrien and I? We’ve been friends since we were little. I’ve been through so much with him and I feel like we could face the world together. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the time saying I was already late and finished getting dressed and putting everything I needed for the day into my bag.  I rushed downstairs and was greeted by my mom in the kitchen.
“Morning” I said rushed, looking for something to eat quickly.
“It’s the first day of school Marinette,” my mother said exasperated “couldn’t you at least be on time for today?” 
    “I guess not” I laughed as I grabbed a bagel and started heading out the door. My mom chuckled and waved goodbye as I flew down the stairs towards the door. I ran across the street and raced to the school. It’s a good thing I lived so close to it, otherwise my tardiness would be a much bigger problem than it already is. I made it through the halls in record time and collapsed in my seat just as the bell rang. 
    “Late again Marinette?” Alya asked, sighing.
“You know me too well” I laughed. “Besides, I wasn’t late. I totally got to my seat before the bell rang.” Alya laughed. 
“Girl, only you could possibly convince yourself you’re not late to everything.” she said with a smile on her lips. “Are you excited for the school year?”
“I guess” I started to answer but was interrupted.
“Now class, quiet down and we’ll take roll.” said Mrs. Bustier standing in the front of the class. During roll I noticed the class was pretty similar to previous years. Alya and I sat in the front row on the right side of the class with Nino and Adrien sitting on the row across from us. Behind us sat Max and Nathaniel and across from them sat Alix and Kim who were constantly bickering about who could beat the other in whatever new challenge they were coming up with. Behind Kim’s row sat Ivan and Mylene, still as strong a couple as ever. Rose, Juleka and Sabrina took up the last row in the back. Those three had been surprisingly close since Chloe left to live in New York with her mom. Adrien got my attention with a friendly wave and gestured to his phone. A few seconds later I received a text from him.
“You good?” it read.
“Yep!” I replied. “Just woke up late”
“You’ve really got to start getting to bed earlier,” he teased. I gave a quiet laugh, put my phone away and began to focus on the lesson. After a while of lecturing Mrs. Bustier split us up into partnerships. Alya and I began to work on our assignment but the conversation quickly turned to her and Nino’s latest date. They had a nice picnic at the park before going back to his house to cuddle and watch a movie. The way Alya lit up talking about how amazing it was made me feel a slight twinge of jealousy. Not because I like Nino of course, just because I wish I could have similar experiences with someone that would mean that much to me. The bell rang suddenly, cutting off Alya’s descriptions of the wondrous night and we all started to head to our next classes.

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