An Apology and A Disappointment.

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I woke up in a cold sweat. I didn't know who the hell that boy was... But when he pushed me, it felt like he was familiar. I'm sure I've seen him, I mean, I go to Hope's Peak. But... There was just something about him... I decided to text him, against my better judgement.

OJMan: hey. sorry about last night.

I didn't expect an answer right away, of course.  But I at least wanted to know he read it.

While I waited, I got ready for school. I put on my uniform, did my routine as usual. I got out of the house before either of my parents could antagonize me.


I approached the school gate as usual, but today I saw a boy. His hair looked like clouds and he was being bullied. He pretended like he didn't mind, but there was just a look in his eyes I couldn't stand. So with my tired self, looking like I had pulled a few all-nighters, came up to them.

"Hey. Step off him."

They gave me a look as if they'd hit me next. But the boy stopped them.

"It's fine, the ultimates can use me as their stepping stones as much as they want.." He breathed.

The boys nodded.

"That doesn't mean you're their toy, Nagito. They can't treat you like shit. You're a human, and so are they."

I don't know why, but he reminded me of Nagito. It just slipped, but I saw his eyes light up at me calling him by name.

I think the bullies realized that they couldn't have much more fun in this situation and left, walking towards the side of the school building.

"Uhmm... Are you Hajime..?" Nagito asked, looking at me curiously.
I nodded, and he looked me up and down. "Are you an Ultimate? What's your talent?"

I turned my head to look anywhere but at him. I quietly spoke. "I don't... Have one... I'm in the reserve course."

His expression changed from one of light to one of disappointment.

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