My new home

17 0 0

None of the drawings are mine
This is an original story
Trigger warning- sex, mention of suicide, aggressive language, rape, and eating disorders.
If you are not comfortable with anything I just listed please leave now

Ash's Pov

As I walk down the hallway behind a male guard I hear all of the women growling at me.  One said something like,

"hey mama how about you visit my cell later tonight."  

I am only 18 and to them I'm just a piece of meat to toy with.  I don't want to be just a toy to someone, I want something more.  just then another comments, 

" Hey nice ass why don't you bring it over here!"  

Women are pigs sometimes.  

I don't understand how they are so horny that they would cat call an 18-year-old while being in there 40s or 50s or higher.  As I  approach my cell in the back of the building  I see a women that looks only about 24 with beautiful blue eyes and long silver hair.  

Of course she's wearing an orange jumper just like me and I think she is taking a nap. 
She has a wonderful figure from what I can see with light skin and thick thighs. 

 I look completely different, I have trouble eating so I'm very skinny. I have black hair and blue and green eyes.

The guard directs me to go into the cell, so I do, then he locks me up and leaves. 
I walk over the the women on the bottom bunk and say,

" h-hey"

in attempt to wake her up, she doesn't budge and seems like a heavy sleeper. 

"E-exuse me"

I try waking her up again but it's no use, so I just decide to take a nap.  I crawl up to the top bunk and lye down.  My eyelids start to get heavy and I drift of  to sleep in my new home.

A/N:   SORRY THE CHAPTER WAS SO SHORT.  This is my first Wattpad story I've made and it's kinda hard for me to start of.  anyway thank you so much for reading see you next chapter.

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