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Jades Pov
I woke up to the noise of someone moving around on the top bunk.  I knew that meant that I now had a stupid roommate to deal with. 

I got up from my bunk bed to take a piss and noticed the girl on the top bunk looked very skinny and pale, like she had some disease. 

She had short, silky black hair.

This girl, she reminded me of someone, but I wasn't sure who. I decided to let it go and go wake her up, I had a plan since I wasn't sure how she would act. I tried calling out


but got no response.

I decided I was going to try nudging her or some shit, but she didn't wake up so I decided to just leave her alone, it's not like I care anyway.

Ash's Pov

A new day great... as I'm waking up I am clearly confused

"Where the fuck am I?" 

 I whisper to myself, then it all comes back to me.  I'm at the new prison, duh. 

I've decided that today I'm going to ask for protection from that girl in my cell. I guess i don't really have a lot to offer but maybe I could offer her my body, everyone in here has to be horny, so it's a perfect plan. 

I'll only have to sell my body to one person instead of every woman in here. 

I guess I woke up early because all of the lights in the prison where off and I didn't see any guards.  I  sat up against the wall for a few minutes to register my new home when  the lights turned on.  I heard over the intercom that breakfast would be ready soon.   

 If I'm being honest I was very nervous about seeing the other inmates. 

As the gates swing open everyone makes their way down the hallway to the cafeteria, but my bunk mate is still asleep.  I felt like I should wake her up... I calmly say, 

"Hey, breakfast is ready, you should wake up" No response. 

I reached my hand over to tap her and all of a sudden I feel someone grab my hand.  It was my bunk mate, she grabbed my hand pulling me towards her by accident. I just stared into her ocean eyes and she stared right back. 

 "I-I wasn't trying to do anything" I blurted out. 

 She eventually whispered, 

"Oh, I thought you were someone else".  

As my eyes traced down her eyes to her plump lips, she let go of my hand and told me "bye",

 then got up and left our cell for breakfast.

A/N: I'm so bad at this bye✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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