Entrance Exam: the race begins

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"Sooo, are ya gonna let him down or am I gonna have to drag Izuku like a balloon?" Felix interrupts shocking the two out of their stunned silence.

Acting quick, Ochako spins him around, and releases her quirk on him blushing from getting caught staring.

"It's nice to see ya again Ochako, how ya been." Felix says taking pity on their embarrassed states.

"I-I've been fine, the notebook you and Izuku gave me has really helped my quirk, I can lift 5 tons now!" She replied, happy for a distraction.

"That amazing! But we should catch up more later, right now we got a exam to pass." Felix says giving Izuku a chance to reboot.

"Alright I'll see you guys later than, bye Felix, bye Izuku!" Ochako says before walking off towards the building.

Felix than turns to look at his brother who is still red faced and not saying anything.

"If you don't say anything soon, I am taking a picture and sending it to mom." Felix says in deadpan tone.

This gets a reaction out of Izuku.

"I swear to god Felix."

"Welcome back to the land of the living, we should head inside now." Felix says, Izuku for his part was glad his brother dropped the chance to tease him.

'Oh brother mine, you got it BAD.' Felix thinks, chuckling to himself as they made there way inside, there will be time for teasing later, like he said they have a exam to pass.


"Ahh the written was so tiring." Felix says with a groan.

"Aren't you always tired?" Izuku says with a smirk.

"Hey hey, none of that, I'm still awake enough to kick your ass." Felix says while pointing at his brother, they are currently making there way to their seats, for the practical portion of the exam.

"Man the universe hate me today." Izuku says looking at his seat number, or more specifically who is beside it. Katsuki Bakugou sitting right beside Izuku's seat number.

"Well damn, good luck." Felix says as he looks at who his brother is sitting beside, before strolling up and taking his own seat number.

'We took online classes to avoid this too' Izuku thinks before making his way to his seat and sitting down, getting a grunt and a glare from Bakugou but nothing else since the lights started to darken.

Out on the stage came a man with wild yellow hair pulled back to look like a comet, with a leather jacket and leather pants, with large boots all in black, with yellow sunglasses and headphones on his head.

"Its the voice hero: present mic, He has a radio show, and is one of the pro hero's that work at U.A....." Izuku says going into a mumble spree, before being pulled out of it by his brother who just shakes him slightly.

"HELLO LITTLE LISTENERS!!!" He yells putting his hands to his ear hoping to get a reaction, only to be meant with silence.  Izuku gives Felix a look, which causes Felix to sigh in resignation, before paying attention again. 'Always the fanboy." He thinks with a smirk.

"ARE YOU READY FOR THE EXAM!?!?" Present Mic yells out once again to the examines.

"YEAH!!" Izuku and Felix yell in unison, much to the joy of present mic and to the annoyance of a certain blue haired teen.

"I LIKE YOUR STYLE LISTENERS!" Present Mic says with a grin, officially making Izuku's feel all the better about the exam.

"NOW THEN, LET GET ON WITH THE PRACTICAL!!" Present Mic says, pulling up a screen behind him.

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