Childhood beginings

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"Not all men are created equal." that was the sad truth of the world I learned at the age of four.

One day the world had changed, after a baby started to glow brightly it was the  first recorded citing of a superpower, soon enough more and more people have ended up developing these gifts and 200 years later, superpowers became the norm. 80% of the population had developed superpowers called quirks and with them a new profession, Hero's. like all kids my age I wanted nothing more than to be a hero unfortunately....

"Sorry kid it isn't going to happen."

"Im sorry Izuku!!"

"Didn't you hear, he's..."

Quirkless, I became one of the 20% who don't develop a quirk. The door to my dream was locked before I could even open it, as for my friend Katsuki Bakugou, who I call Kacchan...

"You really are useless, deku." A ash blond said to a downed green haired boy with pops coming out of his hands.

He became my number one tormentor, I should have told mom but after dad left us she has been working hard for the both of us to live a comfortable life, not to mention that Mitsuki Bakugou is Kacchan mother and her best friend since college.

So I didn't say anything as to not burden her more than I already do and for two years I will have endured beatings, bruises, cuts and burns from my former friend.

I thought that was how my life was going to be, just a useless deku with a too big dream.
Then that day happened.

It was the afternoon in Musutafu, Japan and school just got out, at a nearby park five children were near a sand pit, three kids were standing just outside the pit with an ash blond standing in front of the trio while a green haired boy with green eyes had his arms in front of him, standing in-front of a brunette girl with brown eyes who is on the floor rubbing a bruised cheek from the hit she took from the blond.

"Stop it Kacchan! Can't you see she hurt!"  Said the green eyed boy trying to protect the girl.

"She thinks she can be a hero like me with a weak quirk like that!! She had it coming, Deku!" The ash blond now known as Kacchan says, while the girl starts to tear up a bit from the rude boys words.

The green haired boy now known as Deku gets angry at his old friend, he doesn't know why and probably never will but he instinctively responds back to the blonds cruel words.

"Who cares if her quirk is weak right now! If she trains hard it can be a great quirk, and      m-maybe she'll be a b-better hero than y-you!!"

There were four reactions that took place from that statement.

One being from the girl who looked up in astonishment and a bit of gratitude.

The two lackeys of the ash blond who can't believe that useless Deku yelled at Bakugou.

Deku himself, who just realized what he just said is slowly losing the confidence before his outburst,

And Bakugou himself who had veins sprouting around his face slowly, hair covering his eyes and shaking in quickly building fury.

Knowing whats about to come from the volatile blond, Deku backs up a bit to the girl and kneels on a knee, while picking up some sand discreetly

"Listen, go get some h-help while I distract him I'll be fine but he might focus back on you if your still here." Deku says with what ever confidence he has left.

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