1 - journey to mutual trust

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Geez. It's only been a couple of days, and people are already dead.

You were just starting to think that the people here were alright.

Your eyes look up to the ceiling, then move to hover around your cottage.

If you weren't being forced to participate in a killing game, maybe you wouldn't mind staying on this island or in this cottage. But that's not how it is.

"This sucks ass," you mumble into your pillow.

You don't want to get up, but you also don't want to stay in bed—what a dilemma.

It still hurts.

The events of the past 24 hours flood into your head when you close your eyes.

'Ooooh, a party!' You smile.

A chance to get to know your "classmates," who you considered more of "trip mates" since you haven't interacted with them in a school setting aside for the weird first part of this "trip." You were excited at a chance to hang out with people who knew your talent because people who knew avoided you.

Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Spy. Blessed with exceptional acting, critical thinking, and observation skills, you've developed into an impressive espionage weapon. Employers would describe you as stealthy and cunning, and you agree. You just add the fact that you have excellent intuition too.

Your main weak point is your occasional obliviousness. It's almost like an internal switch activates whenever it's time to begin a job. You don't always act like a spy if you don't need to, and "not-spy" you can tend to overlook the little things. When that switch is flipped, you won't dare leave a single detail unnoticed.

You would almost feel guilty to spoil one company with all your skill, so you don't belong to one. Private corporations- some you've never heard of and yet have massive amounts of power- hire you to take care of certain situations. You've played many roles- abandoning your own personality for a while, at times- and participated in several... interesting missions, but your hands are clean. You draw the line at ending someone's life.

The party is decided to be an all-nighter, and you see no issue with that.

"It's decided! We're having ourselves a party!" Byakuya declared.

You couldn't put your finger on it, but something about Byakuya was intriguing. You felt some kind of connection, a shared feature. You remind yourself to talk to him about it at a later time.

"...Then let's party hard!" Akane smiles.

"Hell yeah!" You beam back.

Teruteru was decided as the chef, but you thought that would be obvious. He walks around in a chef hat even when he isn't in a kitchen. Maybe his fashion sense is so bad that he feels the need to stay in uniform all the time? You don't know. Nagito, after a seemingly unlucky break drawing chopsticks (that he already had?), got chosen to clean the old building where the party would be held. You'd rather not clean, so you're glad to see it isn't you, although you feel some guilt leaving all the work to Nagito.

Fuyuhiko made it clear that he wouldn't be making an appearance at the party. You feel like you should make a note of that.

After deciding the time and place for the party, you headed back to your cottage. Upon your arrival, you realize that you somehow managed to not eat breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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