The Last of the bulling

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Saudi Arabia's POV
"Can't believe it! Just 10 more weeks then school will be over!" Cyprus said excitedly, "Girl why are you always hyper!?" Kuwait asked, "I DON'T KNOW IM JUST SO EXCITED!!!" She answered back, Lebanon started to laugh, then I saw Iran in the corner of my eye,
"Hey loser" I said to him leaving the other Middle East countries to talk, Iran didn't respond, he just kept walking along, "Your going to ignore me?" I said to him a bit mad, he ignored me, his wings were tucked in like he had a bad day (which is everyday) and his tail wasn't wagging as usual. (Yes children Iran has wings and a tail and they look like dis (and yes I used gacha club because I'm to lazy to draw)

I watched as he grabbed his books then went to his first class, suddenly a bucket filled with ice water fell onto him, he jumped and dropped all of his books now soaking wet including him, I laughed as I saw him shake from the cold water, everyone...

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I watched as he grabbed his books then went to his first class, suddenly a bucket filled with ice water fell onto him, he jumped and dropped all of his books now soaking wet including him, I laughed as I saw him shake from the cold water, everyone else did to, well..

Almost everyone....

"IRAN!!" Syria shouted as she saw Iran soaking wet,"ARE YOU OK!?" I saw Iraq, Turkey and Armenia follow, Armenia gave me a glare before she grabbed Iran's hand and left school, "WHEN WILL YOU FUCKING LEARN THAT BULLING IS BULLSHIT!?" Syria yelled, "Does it really look like I care?" I asked her not even caring at all about what she said, "dude I think for once she's right.." Lebanon said to me, "Oh so your on HER SIDE now!?" I told him, he looked at me before he walked up so Syria, "yes..yes I am" he told me, I wanted to slap him but then the bell rang, "your very lucky", I told him,
I sat down in class and I saw neither Armenia nor Iran, "eh I couldn't care less" I thought to myself as I sat down, it was pretty much normal, Then UN (There teacher) Started talking about bullying, "wow is this because of today?" I thought to myself, "eh who cares anyway", I didn't really pay attention to any of the lesson until he started going deeper about it, and that for some reason caught my attention, "You see, when your bullying someone, you might not know what there going through and that they could be suffering even more problems and possibly commit suicide, wait what...suicide?..."who would commit suicide because of bullying!?" I thought.."no..that's just way.." I shaked my head a bit, I saw Georgia raise her hand looking at me with a weird look, "Yes?" UN asked, "I heard that when someone bullies a pacific person it means they loveee them right?~" she said snickering, then I perked up, "IS THIS GIRL FOR REAL DOES SHE REALLY THINK I HAVE A CRUSH ON IRAN" I thought to myself, "Hm, I'm not sure but sounds unreal" UN answered, ha, I knew it, then the bell rang, break time I guess, I walked out and saw Iran, he was wearing ripped jeans and a hoodie with the Persian flag on it (It looks like dis)

"  I shaked my head a bit, I saw Georgia raise her hand looking at me with a weird look, "Yes?" UN asked, "I heard that when someone bullies a pacific person it means they loveee them right?~" she said snickering, then I perked up, "IS THIS GIRL F...

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He was talking with Armenia then she saw Moldova and ran off leaving Iran by himself, then I started to think about what UN and Georgia said.. "can people really commit suicide because of bullying?....Do you only bully someone because you love them?" I started to think about those words then..
"Saudi? Hey Saudi"
I jumped, "y-yeah?" I said startled, "you ok? You zoned out.." Kuwait said,
"I-" I hesitated, then looked at Iran then back,
"Y- yeah I'm fine" I respond walking to my locker.
TIME SKIP (yes) Iran's POV
I walked out of the school waiting for the rest of the gang, (aka Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey) I waited and waited
"اې هلته ملګریه!" (Hello friend!)
I turned around quickly to see it was Afghanistan, "سلام افغانستان!" (Hey Afghanistan!)
I said back to her, (Afghanistan doesn't speak English as much so Iran or Tajikistan have to translate for her,) Then she saw the bus,
"سبا ته به ګورو!" (See you tomorrow Iran!)
I waved back as she got on her bus, then I thought the rest were back home so I decided to walk to my apartment, (his apartment isn't that far from school)
I started walking as I looked down thinking what my life would be like without Israel hating me, or without being bullied, and with my dad loving me, (There parents died) Then I tripped on something,
"HAHAHAHAH!!" I heard someone laughing, thinking it was KSA I stood up seeing it was discord,

                 TIME SKIP (yes) Iran's POVI walked out of the school waiting for the rest of the gang, (aka Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey) I waited and waited "اې هلته ملګریه!" (Hello friend!) I turned around quickly to see it was Afghanistan, "...

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(the angel on the left is "Halo" and the demon on the right is "Discord", they are souls only Iran and North Korea can see,)
"What..." I said annoyed seeing it was her, "N-NOTHING LOL YOU JUST FELL!!" She said laughing, "so what? Seeing me fall? Is that was makes you laugh?..." I said as I kept walking praying for her to just go away, "uh DUH YEAH" she said following me,
"Please leave I'm not in the mood.." I told her, "UGH FINEEEE, your so BORING Iran," she said, then rolled her eyes and disappeared, I shook my head, trying to forget about everything, then I bump into someone-

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