Chapter 12

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For a brief interval in time consisting of just about a few weeks, life on the playground for Chester, Bengeman, and Tweeteleet was quite peaceful, and the three were all able to run around, frolic in the fields, clamber around the metal playset, and muddy themselves as they dug in the gravel all to their hearts' content.

Tweeteleet, of course, being of adult maturity, never exactly joined in on any of Chester and Bengeman's playful activities. Instead, she would always perch on a nearby branch to keep tabs on them, as well as their hyper, childish antics. She liked it that way.

"There's just something special about the lives of children. Something adults will never have. There's just something about them that makes spending my days with you two such a delight, even if I'm not directly in the fray.", was how she once described it to them.

Bengeman, though not fully understanding what Tweeteleet was talking about, was very approving regardless. "If any danger comes our way, you'll be able to spot it first and warn us!" he explained. Chester didn't have any quarrels with the set-up either, and so it was.

Although she never participated in any of the energy-packed games Chester and Bengeman always played together, there was one thing she did with them that she really enjoyed. It started with one little jealous complaint from Chester.

Chester and Bengeman were walking around the track one day when Chester suddenly glanced up at Tweeteleet, who was watching over them from a tree branch above. Tweeteleet gave a little smile as Chester made eye contact with her. Chester broke his gaze away from Tweeteleet and towards the floor with a little sigh. Bengeman gave Chester a concerned look.

"Chester? What's wrong?" Chester gave another sigh before answering.

"Ya know Bengeman? Sometimes, I think about it, and I really don't think it's fair."

"What's not fair?"

"How Tweeteleet has wings and I don't! She can fly, but I can't! I really wanna fly! But, I'm not a bird. I just can't. I just- well, I guess sometimes I just wish I could fly. " Chester solemnly explained.

"Oh. I see." Bengeman sorrowfully replied. The two ended up pausing their stroll, as Tweeteleet had swiftly flown down to see to the matter. Tweeteleet gently wrapped a wing around Chester.

"Hey now, Chester. Don't worry. Whatever it is that bothers you, I'm sure we can work it out." she calmly reassured him. Chester lightened up a bit, snuggling into Tweeteleet's light coat of feathers.

"Alright. Well. This is what's been bothering me. Ever since you came, I've always been fascinated by your flying! Being able to explore the skies like that! Go so high! Seeing you do it just makes me want to do it!" Chester paused for a second to take a breath. "-and I just see you up there! Flying! Soaring! High up in the clouds! I just wanna do it too! But that's just it! I can't. I'm a squirrel. Squirrels can't fly." Chester slowly explained.

"Hmm. I understand. Not being physically able to do something you're so enraptured by must be such an awful feeling. But you know, Chester, you may not be able to fly, but you know what you can do? You can run. You're the fastest runner on the playground. If you and I were placed together in a running contest, I guarantee that you would beat me by a milestone." Tweeteleet warmly told Chester.

"Really?" Chester quickly asked in reply.

"Of course, Chester. And what's more, you're also the best climber out of all of us. Neither Bengeman nor I could leap so fast and so gracefully through the branches as you can. You may not be a bird, Chester, but you are a squirrel, which I think just might be slightly cooler."

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