Chapter 19

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  Though winter break was a thoroughly fun and fulfilling season for the family of kindergarten imaginary friends, it would come that inevitably, it began to melt away. The students eventually came back to school, the sun eventually shone for longer in the day, and eventually, the snow stopped falling, and the temperature became overall warmer. The grass grew back, Bengeman came up from hibernation, and plants and flowers began rapidly springing up.

Now, the next arc of this story has been the one I have been the most excited to get to. The one I have been most excited to adapt to this narrative. The most excited to put many hours of work into so I may passionately present it to you, my dear readers. This is because of the simple reason that out of all the characters that were created by me and Ari on the elementary school playground, this character is the one with by far the most interesting story to tell. Readers, go grab a snack, strap yourselves in, and prepare yourselves for the long-awaited story of Randy the raccoon.

One lovely spring afternoon, Chester and the family were out playing in the grass field. At first glance, one may assume this spring afternoon to be like any other. Birds were engaging in a stunning chorus of tweets, the grass and flowers were gracefully swaying in the light breeze, and the sun was generously dousing the land with that ever so sweet, succulent, child-like warmth.

Alas, this seemingly picture-perfect scene was, unfortunately, soon doomed to be mercilessly squashed under the paw of one very livid raccoon, starting with the event of Chester being entranced by a butterfly after a game of play-wrestling.

Chester was cheerfully giggling with Tony as they play-wrestled together in the grass.

"I'll show YOU who's stronger, Tony!" Chester giddily teased as he pinned Tony down onto the floor. Tony let out a stifling grunt as he struggled to get out from underneath Chester's grasp.

"Uh, yeah, well, you know what? Uh-" Tony struggled to speak as he squirmed around in his pinned down position, doing his very best to inch his way up and out. "Aaaaaagh! Fine! You win!" he eventually conceded.

"Yaaaaaay!" Chester cheered in celebration. "What did you think of that fight, Bengeman?" he quickly asked his scaly friend who had been watching from the sidelines.

"Well, Chester, I think that if you keep on wrestling like that, eventually, someone will get hurt."

"Oh come on, Bengeman! You know this is just for fun! I don't mean to get anyone hurt!"

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. I'm just concerned for you whenever you do that, you know. But-. Augh. Maybe I'm just thinking about it too hard. I should just let you guys have fun."

"Yeah! That's the spirit, Bengeman!" Chester playfully exclaimed.

After he was finished cheering on Bengeman's spirit, Chester turned his attention to Daisy and Jake. "You know, I should wrestle you two someday if you want."

Jake shook his head. "No, I'm too small for that kind of thing. Maybe Daisy could, but certainly not me. Daisy?"

"Probably not," Daisy responded. "I'm just not interested in those kinds of games." she sorrowfully admitted.

"Oh," Chester replied, slightly disappointed.

Seeing that Chester was down, Jake glanced around for a way to change the subject. Then he found it.

"Uh, hey! Look, Chester! A butterfly!" he quickly blurted out.

"Really? Where?" Chester immediately asked with an excited smile on his face.

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