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Jungkook walked in and asked once again.

"What did you mean? What about Tae and my husband?"

His mother scoffed loudly and said, "What did I tell you about calling him your husband? And did you sign those papers yet?"

"Eomma! Please, this is about my husband and my brother. What is going on between them?"

His father looks just as confused and looks at Joonie and Jimin, but they are avoiding eye contact with him.

"Jungkook-ah, I don't know what is going on with them. But I don't want you bothering them. Do you hear me?"

"If you're trying to insinuate that my husband and my brother are fucking screwing around behind my back then I hope you don't expect me to just sit back and allow it to happen. He's mine and I won't let this slide."

"Do you hear yourself Kook-ah? Allow it to happen? Who are you to stop them from doing anything, huh?"

"I'm still his fucking husband that's who, and as long as we're married he's still mine."

Jimin stood up and faced him angrily, "Good God man, get over yourself. Did you think you were the only one allowed to get on with their lives and find someone who actually gives a shit? So what if they are screwing around. Don't forget that you're the first one who fucked someone else, AND got her pregnant!"

"What the hell?" His father asked.

He stood up as well and walked over to stand in front of Jungkook and asked, "I thought you only cheated on the poor boy, I had no idea you got her pregnant. What else are you not telling me?"

He looked away and his mother responded, "He's already moved in with her, and bought a new house for the both of them, and soon their baby."

His father then smacked him across his face too, just like his mother and Jin did.

"Will everyone please quit hitting me!"

"I can't believe that you have a whole other life aside from the one you present to the world, and yet you come here to make demands about your husband. If anyone is has a right to be pissed off it's Jinnie.

You think that just because he asked you to leave during an argument, that it was fine to screw your secretary? Every married couple have fights during their marriage. But if they really love each other, they find a way to work through the problem.

Do you know how many times your mother has asked me to get out of the house after a fight? Dozens of times. But I love her and I gave her time to calm down and then apologized for whatever it was I did.

But You, oh my selfish son.. you had a fantastic husband. Anybody would kill to have someone like him. If I were 30 years younger and wasn't married, I would have gone all out to make him mine.

You need to accept that your marriage is over and let him move on with his life, just like you so easily did. Don't be an asshole son."

"With my brother?! You expect me to be ok with them being together? No! No, I refuse. But I guess I know that you won't support me in this. So I'll be leaving then."

He quickly turned and walked away, stomping his feet.

Everyone took a deep breath after that tense moment.

"Wow, I can't believe how stubborn he is."

"He gets it from your side of the family." She says. He frowned at her while Jimin giggled to himself.

The next morning in New York

Tae was tracing the dark marks with his finger along Jin's back as he lay on his stomach. He woke up a few minutes earlier and saw the beauty laying next to him.

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